What’s America Cooking Up?

The Middle East was, is and forever will be a focal point for major powers — a region that they are always tempted to try and control. The reasons for this temptation are myriad. Many secrets drive them to pursue resources, power and wealth. It seems that the superpowers in every age are more aware of the importance of the Middle East (and its historical, humanitarian and transformational role) than its people or those who have settled on its lands. Hence the major powers always try to make the region a refuge for frailty, weakness and instability.

These major powers have adopted, in our present time, a new and different approach to dealing with the region, after their approach of colonialism prompted the people to revolt and liberate themselves from the shackles of colonialism, banishing them [the superpowers] from their homelands. The people paid a high price, but achieved their independence. The current policy of the major powers in the Middle East has taken a significant change of direction in light of the struggles for power in Iraq, Lebanon, Egypt, Tunisia and Yemen, as these struggles have risen to the surface and become visible. There are other countries (Syria, Jordan, Libya, Sudan, Algeria, Saudi Arabia and Morocco) where the struggle over the bitter reality of people’s lives has not risen to the level of popular uprising. The reasons for this could hint at the power of these countries’ ruling regimes and their control over internal political situations.

Will these conditions and developments in a confusing field be a cause for concern in the United States, a major stakeholder in the region? Does America fear for its pampered daughter, Israel, because of the angry movement on the Arab streets, especially after the loss of capital and Arab rulers who were servants of U.S. interests? With a historic legacy of animosity and hatred toward the Zionist usurper of Arab lands, and with the appearance of nuclear and military power in Iran, Turkey is trying to restore confidence after the failure of the Ottoman caliphs.

The question is: What has the U.S. planned for this day, and what plans does it have from this day onward???? America will, for these events, use the same old scenarios that it used in Iraq and Afghanistan, and repeat these experiences with small changes appropriate to this new situation. The most important work it will do is to strike participants within society, dividing them and causing religious, sectarian, partisan and class conflicts. As for the other countries that have active dictatorial regimes — such as Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Morocco — America will support, strengthen and preserve them in order to implement the U.S.’ policies, whether they are legitimate or not.

When we say that the scenarios of the U.S. will be repeated, our talk does not come out of nowhere, but from what happened in Iraq, what happened in Afghanistan, and what is happening in Tunis and happening in Egypt. When we saw rejected President Hosni Mubarak on television putting forward promises of reforms, agreements and such, we recall the tyrant of Iraq, Saddam Hussein, who went on television in 1991 and promised the Iraqi people reforms, political pluralism and democratic practices after the masses called for the fall of the regime.

This leads us to ask: Where were you then, America, and what did you call for in previous years? This image reappears today in Egypt just as it appeared in Iraq, along with the release of prisoners and criminals on the part of bodies affiliated with the ruling regime and its repressive institutions to cause mischief in the land, confuse people and to take up the rising trend of sabotage. There is a lot of talk about this, but I want to point out an important problem — and I hope and pray to God Almighty that this doesn’t happen — but a change of regime and the fall of Hosni Mubarak means Egypt could enter a new phase, a struggle for power between parties and political entities, and after this the transition could lead to a dangerous stage, where the concessionaire (al-Qaida) plays the cards and begins mass killings with an industry of death through car bombs, suicide vests and assassinations of scientists and the elites… Behind everything that happened and everything that will happen??? I think there is an invisible hand.

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