1 Comment

  1. The Third World terminology appears ambiguous. It is not going to e that way for long. In fact the West has probably hobbled the so-called Third World from moving up to the First World through genuine democracy. The exceptions are South Korea and Taiwan, Malaysia and Turkey. Middle East was grabbed by both England and France after the collapse of the Ottoman Empire. The West encouraged the Zionists Jews to create the state of Israel in Palestine, unmindful of the illegitimacy of this fraudulent act. One only needs to read statements of Ben-Gurion in which he has claims “we have stolen their country” and that “God had given us this land” etc. However, Ben-Gurion in the same breath parted ways with the same God at the swearing in ceremony of Israel’s creation by saying: “God didn’t do enough to deserve this credit.” How ridiculous that the Zionists have deported the Hebrew God from the land that God had declared sacred and blessed for the whole mankind. And how shameful on the part of America to have ignored multiple anomalies in Israel’s creation and it has unabashedly contributed to the tragedy of Palestinians in Palestinians own land. Israel is stretching the patience of American evangelists too thin by a recent news item in the newspaper Haaretz that “if the Messiah comes to Israel, Israel would deport him” and that “Messiah might be crucified.” It looks probable that a backlash is waiting to happen against American Jews on one side and a bomb blast in Israel from the heavens on the other hand.

    The Third World might have moved to the First World by embracing democracy, played by its rules. At the present moment the democracies in the Indo-Pak sub-continent are mere puppet shows. There is a stipulation in the holy Quran that “God rotates the times among nations by changing bad days into good times.” The Exodus of Israelis from Pharaoh’s Egypt can be cited a stunning example.

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