Osama: The End of a Terrorist

Once upon a time, America fed arms to the Taliban. Now, the time has come to feed the freedom-seekers with support.

There is no doubt that many different risks and objections were tied to capturing bin Laden alive; yet, even though justice has been met for thousands of deaths all over the world, justice did not prevail. What would have happened if bin Laden had appeared before a court?


He would most likely have hidden behind his martyrdom; it would have given him even more followers, and his dead ideology would have been rekindled. An ideology solely based on hatred is soon made hallowed, especially when the leader of this ideology makes no distinction between Western and Muslim victims. Keeping bin Laden alive would have given him the best opportunity to make a comeback.

He understood the influence of images as did no other. Video messages from caves. The long beard, the white gown, sitting in side profile, talking calmly, everything filmed picture-perfect and nicely dressed. Even though Osama bin Laden came from a rich and rather Western family, it was an act he put on to create a new type of Muslim. The type of Muslim who would take revenge on the West and who would be the global ruler, until everyone, shaking with fear, would surrender to mighty Islam.


He supposedly hid himself behind a woman, using her as a human shield. He resisted and died in a gunfire battle. This information, eagerly provided by John Brennan, chief counterterrorism adviser to the president, was later corrected by the White House. The news of the death of America’s biggest enemy is being directed with the utmost precision, although it is striking that they are sometimes slow with the facts.

The information about bin Laden being wrapped in a white shroud by the Americans and being thrown into the ocean, according to Islamic regulations, seems to be an attempt to soothe fanatic Muslims and to show that the Americans, when possible, act humanely and respect everyone, even their enemy. If the Americans would have truly indulged in the rules they claim to follow, they would have known that, in the eyes of fanatics, bin Laden already is a martyr and, therefore, a saint. His body is a tool and does not necessarily have to be buried according to certain rites.

Those people who do not care how bin Laden was buried do not see him as a hero but as a terrorist. My little brother stated: Nobody has been as bad for Muslims as Osama. And that is correct.


The biggest danger for Muslims turned out to be Osama himself, who made them a caricature and gave “the Muslim” a bloodthirsty face. With this, it became painfully clear that Muslims lack the power to present a peaceful and modern image to oppose this, because they are trapped by the role religion plays in their lives.

President Obama’s performance during the global announcement of the death of bin Laden deserves praise. Nothing like “We got em,” as his predecessor, Bush, might have said, while gleaming with happiness and triumph, but a fitting performance that basically shows that this president is a true leader who makes well thought-out choices for his people and country, not someone who wants to cash in on another’s death, even the death of a terrorist. If only he had not emphasized that he had everything under control and that he had given all the orders, when it was clear that he was executing the assignment of his predecessor.


Will al-Qaida be strong enough to appoint a successor? It is expected that the movement is strong enough to continue. Nevertheless, the death of bin Laden is a big blow to al-Qaida.

At the same time, one should not underestimate revolts in the Arab world. Domination is no longer tolerated by the youngest generation. People want justice and a full stomach. Fighting for a better world is still appealing, but following leaders who cause mass slaughter amongst their own people would, once again, mean they bow to dictatorships.

It should be clear that the time has come for Obama to show himself as a true leader. The opportunity is there in this newest Arab Spring.

Once upon a time, America fed arms to the Taliban. Now the time has come to feed the freedom-seekers with support.

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