Posted on May 20, 2011.

In his speech on May 19, 2011, American President Barack Obama attempted to be the prophet of change in the Arab region and to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the Arab peoples against repression and tyranny. He spoke about the repression that is affecting the Arab peoples in such a way as to make an ignorant person think that the very meaning of innocence was inspired by his great being. He said he is with the Arab revolutions, that he will work to support the Arab peoples and that he will put pressure on members of the Arab governments to make change.
The American president didn’t tell his listeners how America was the one who was extremely keen to kill the spirit of the Arabs and Muslims and to destroy their morale and keep them as mere slaves in the service of their masters, the tyrannical leaders who were always evilly conspiring for the benefit of the Arab nation. I, here, make a note of the following points:
1. America was the one who inherited Britain and France’s legacy of controlling the installed Arab leaders and, above their heads, the sovereign tribal leaders. It was America who supported numerous tyrannical leaders who described themselves as revolutionaries. America supported tyranny and despotism in the Arab countries and insisted on keeping the Arabs outside the framework of freedom.
2. America is the one who has been plundering the riches of the Arabs for decades.
3. America is the one who supports Israel in various domains and is the one who denies the immutable rights of the Palestinian people.
4. America is the one who has conspired to make every single Arab regime stand in the face of Israel.
5. America occupied Iraq and still has military bases in many Arab countries with the aim of tracking the people of the region, both Arabs and Muslims.
6. America has killed more Arabs and Muslims than Arab tyrants have and has committed appalling war crimes against the citizens in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Palestine, Lebanon, etc.
7. America has played a part in rigging elections in a number of Arab states, such as Egypt and Jordan, and has stayed quiet or encouraged the formulation of different election laws to support the Israeli agents among the leaders, in addition to refusing to acknowledge the elections in Algeria and Palestine so that all the talk of democracy is a lie and has no basis.
8. America has bought many Arab intellectuals and university lecturers to turn them into agents against their own people and gave huge amounts of money to these traitors in order to promote its policies in the region.
9. America has encouraged civil wars in the region among Arabs and between the Arabs and Iran and continues to work in this way.
10. America has drained the monetary resources of the Gulf by selling weapons.
The list of American crimes against the Arabs and the Muslims is extensive.
After all these crimes, will America turn into a meek lamb or a dove of love and peace?
Right now America is attempting to adapt to the new Arab circumstances and has no objection to throwing rubbish at its operatives in the governments or to defrauding the people in order to gain their trust. The Americans see the victories of the Arab peoples, they see the courage of the Arabs, and in those things they see something that threatens their interests. They realize that confronting the people serves no purpose and that the best thing is to work toward gaining their trust by way of fraud, deception, lies and dishonesty.
America has committed a crime against the rights of Arabs and Muslims, and there is no basis for trusting her. The American president has indulged his intentions to continue with these crimes with his support of Israel and his commitment to its security. He spoke about Arab terrorism and about Israeli security, completely forgetting that Israel is the one who started the wars in the region and continues in its aggression — not just against the people of Palestine, but against all the peoples of the area.
For this reason we must be very careful and not let Obama’s nice words deceive us. It is important to let it be known that good relations with the Arabs and taking care of Israel do not come together. If the American president wants the trust of the Arabs, he first must abandon Israel.
A biased article indeed.
What of the clans, the tribes, the religious sects, the corrupt minister, police, and politicians?
What of the foolish religious sheep who refuse to think for themselves, despite having access to international television, radio and newspapers.
Someday the Umma will wake up, but it won’t be a religious awakening. Religion poisons everything, especially the mind and politics. It makes people susceptible to mob behavior and clannishness.
Good luck with your awakening, folks! If the West can throw off the Roman Church, you can throw off Islam…