Cuba, United States and Human Trafficking

Recently, — hard to believe but true — Cuba was once more subjected to accusations and included in the worst of categories of a report that the Department of State of “The Empire” published, categorizing Cuba under the tier of countries that do not “fully comply with the minimum standards” for the elimination of trafficking. Cuba was accused of not making significant efforts towards it.

The inclusion of Cuba on this list, disgracefully and cynically manipulated, deliberately distorts the reality of the island while ignoring the magnitude and impunity with which the main criminal organizations linked to human trafficking operate (emigrants, drugs, terrorists). There is detailed and irrefutable evidence of all that.

It is sufficient to cite as an example that in contrast to practices in the United States and Spain, Cuba does not permit the distribution of pornography and incitement to prostitution in the media.

The United States has access to ample and detailed up-to-date information regarding the multiple measures that the government of the island takes in the prevention and struggle against human trafficking, which it has opted yet again to ignore.

Why should there be so much irresponsibility and cynicism on the part of the American authorities and its followers? The answer is direct and simple: the obsession and total lack of ethical principle in justifying a genocidal embargo, a cruel political tactic which has failed. Nothing other than this is the reason behind the arbitrary and immoral inclusion of Cuba on this list under “the axis of evil.”

No less indignant and disturbing in this tragicomedy, as usual, is the active complicity (without which such sizable and irresponsible attitudes would be impossible) of countries/governments such as Spain, which are known supporters of democracy, human rights and truth. This applies also to a majority of the media who, even while fully aware of the reality of the island regarding human trafficking as accredited members of the media in Havana, do not refute such accusations through the release of objective and truthful information. Instead, “at the edge of ideology and professional ethics,” of which they seem so proud (tell me what you’re proud of, and I will tell you what you’re lacking in), they let silence be their response.

Or worse yet, in order to justify their succulent salaries and under panic of losing them, some of these mercenaries of the pen (especially during time of crisis), make use of “media terrorism” to amplify or perpetuate these accusations even if they know full well that they are false. It is clear that the Cuban revolution and its philosophy (with its flaws and virtues) continues to be the most hated and feared enemy of the great financial powers — which does not exclude — the planet and its wielding arm, Yankee imperialism.


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