We Need To Stop This

Whenever the United States declares a war on another one of its “friends,” that friend soon finds itself enveloped in fire and destruction. The U.S. makes sure that it ruins that country. In a 2000 address delivered to the European Union, the former Secretary of State (under former President Bill Clinton) Madeleine Albright stated that, if another country were to become a second superpower, the United States would be furious at the world and react aggressively against it.

The United States has already made a plan for Europe; it has “written” Europe’s future. It wants to direct where Europe heads in the future, and wants to ensure that Europe does not become strong enough to compete with it. During World War II, the the United States was unequivocal about its political agenda, and helped rebuild the societies of the Allied countries after the war by giving them financial aid. [The U.S.] kept drawing attention to the fact that it was helping other countries. Then, after the Soviet Union’s collapse, the U.S. kept telling Europe that they should be grateful to it for extinguishing the threat of Soviet communism, so that they could further influence European affairs.

The U.S. is aware of China’s increasing power and the fact that it could become a super power by the year 2025. However, it has refused to openly acknowledge this fact. American politicians and leaders try to get around this fact in public. Meanwhile, China is highlighting its successes and progress.

We want to succeed as well, and do not want America to influence our politics and societal norms. Unfortunately, we are not succeeding because we have reluctantly tolerated the presence of other countries on our soil. But we have seen the negative results of such tolerance and need to stop it.

What do the Americans expect from us? How does the European Union want us to act? These questions should force us to reflect on how we want to proceed as a country. Unfortunately, thinking, reflecting and acting are things that we are not known for. We are more comfortable when we are taking orders from others. We need to break this habit so that we can stand on our own two feet.

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