Posted on September 27, 2011.
Barack Obama spoke of his hopes to see Palestine become a member of the United Nations by the end of this year, but his words were nothing but a pipe dream.
Mr. White House’s words about political sovereignty come first, by virtue of the fact that his great country holds the only meaningful views in the world.
Khaled Mashaal, president of Hamas, announced that “his society” favors a Palestinian state by June 4, including East Jerusalem, in celebration of the reconciliation agreement in Cairo. Yet “his society” was the justification against Palestinians expressing their political decision and autonomy! We didn’t know that Hamas’ leadership had become like an American institution, refusing to oppose the Obama administration. They recognized that U.S. leadership is the strongest in the world and passed the policy decision from the top down to the community level. Now, we cannot differentiate between political confabulation and the ramblings of politicians — is this connected with fall being two days away?
It’s okay to rise slowly to the top, but the climb could be treacherous and the landing painful. After America reached the summit, its words were no longer respected. Likewise, if Hamas follows this path, then we won’t know if its Muslim leaders are being hypocritical or lying. Was Khaled Mashaal telling us a dream when he announced his recognition of a Palestinian state in the West Bank and Jerusalem, with its capital in Jerusalem? Is this similar to how Obama told us his dream, in poetically beautiful and romantic language, about a Palestinian State in the United Nations in 2011?
It doesn’t matter who lies to us and who the hypocrites are. It is more important we have an honest president who fulfills his promises. He should do this not only by rule of his decision, but also for the higher interest of the Palestinian people. He should not have evasion or the art of deception in his political dictionary. In this world there are many presidents, leaders and kings, but few of them are truthful and pure.
If you read the documents that Dr. Ibrahim Alloush published on the modern WikiLeaks, maybe you will say that Darwin’s theory of humans evolving from monkeys is wrong, because some senior officials prove to derive from variegated chameleons.
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