The nation of Palestine is one of the only ones in the world that has been invaded and subjugated by wars supported by Western powers — and it all happened after WWII, when the Allies defeated the Axis powers in 1945. The UN was founded on October 25, 1945, with the adhesion of 51 countries and the idea that there could be a global organization that could oppose governments with extremist tendencies that tried to conquer other territories, like Japan had done in China, Mussolini’s Italy in Libya or Germany in western Europe. This UN was, or at least was believed to be, an organization of free countries that was trying to replace the League of Nations, which existed until 1945 and had failed to achieve its core purpose: to avoid another world conflict.
One of the most important merits of this organization is, or at least should be, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. However, things that are seen are but a mirage when the reality is different. The essence is out in the air and it’s not what is written on the papers, and so I wonder: What’s the purpose of this declaration when in Palestine, they have gone against its spirit?
Only three years after the establishment of the UN, the Jewish people, who had started a “pacific” invasion of Palestine, were beginning a fierce war against a country without a governmental organization or an army, thanks to the Turkish settlers and then the English colonists. Furthermore, it is clear that the vast majority of the Jews were of European origin, from land which their ancestors had occupied for over 600 years. Enough time to demand a territory that they had once lived in — which had been possible thanks to a fierce war against its original inhabitants: the Canaanites and the Philistines. Some of the immigrants were also from the U.S. and other Latin American countries. And this scheme was possible thanks to the economic help of wealthy Americans and wealthy Jews from both England and France.
The United Nations is, nowadays, an antidemocratic institution, in which the most important decisions favor the four major powers, leaving the other members to act as a miserable choir in the back of a cheap comedy.
But worse and more disgusting, I believe, is Mahmoud Abbas’s absurd and almost blind attitude, trusting the U.S. as if this power wasn’t part of Israel’s “peace process” with the Palestinians. You must be blind or mentally retarded in order not to understand that there isn’t any real peace process and that such won’t exist until the Palestinian state disappears, or after the Palestinian people unite and create a resistance that forces the Jewish people to set aside their abuse and their pressures to impose their interests. Meanwhile, very cleverly, the Jewish people have been buying time with peace treaties to cheat the gullible and in that way transform occupied territories, Cisjordaniaania, into the Jewish state’s territory. I believe all this about occupied territories is a tasteless joke. All of Palestine’s territories are occupied territories. All of Palestrina is an occupied territory that contradicts the spirit and the essence of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
I ask myself, and maybe there are many Palestinians and non-Palestinians wondering the same: When will Mahmoud Abbas and his acolytes wake up to the horrible reality? Israel has serious odds of winning, while the Al-Fatah members keep on going the way the U.S. wants them to go (that is, the way Israel wants), a route that heads directly toward a cliff which has no way back. Maybe raising the issue of a possible Palestinian state at the UN won’t be but a bullet shot in the air, although let’s hope it won’t be that way. The Palestinian people have been suffering unbelievably for 60 years. Isn’t it high time for justice to be done?
Within this terrible drama the Arab countries should decide who to support, act accordingly to the interests of the Palestinians and set aside all the direct support from the States — and with that, all of the indirect help to Israel. Almost all of the leaders of Arab countries have danced to America’s tune, but have later on realized that that not only betrays Palestine, but also Islam’s spirit. The blossoming of the Arabic countries shatters all of the corrupt regimes that are traitors to Palestine’s issue and to the Arab cause in general. Sooner rather than later ,they will be buried by the masses waking up, thanks to a young Tunisian who immolated himself as a protest against a whole system of treason and corruption.
I think that if the UN keeps on serving the interest of the big powers, the time has come to form a new international organization with more freedom and democracy, without countries imposing their views via vetoes and other pressure. The current organization has been increasingly desprestiged — and the governments of the different countries, belonging to every continent, are there to get economic support from the U.S. and the IMF, selling their rights for a plate of lentils.
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