Britain and U.S. Ready to Attack Iran

Iran is again the focus of Western attention now that the Libyan conflict is near its end. The provocation of Israeli politicians strengthened the dispute in Iran. Iran will be the next attack target for Britain and the United States. They admit to having claimed evidence that Tehran has enough uranium to make four nuclear bombs. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is also associated with three assassination attempts outside his territory. According to a source from the British palace, these factors serve as background for the attack plan. According to U.S. President Barack Obama, Iran’s nuclear program continues to pose a threat. Together with French President Nicolas Sarkozy, he wants the international community to continue pressing Iran. Iran’s denials that its nuclear program is creating weapons of mass destruction have been ignored.

Tehran has repeatedly stated that its nuclear program is for peaceful purposes. Regarding Iran’s suspected nuclear program, the U.S., Britain and France insist that the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) should reveal its intelligence data. However, Russia and China requested that the report be postponed or cancelled altogether. On Nov. 2, it was revealed that Tel Aviv successfully test-fired a rocket capable of carrying nuclear warheads that could reach Iranian territory. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Ehud Barak have reportedly been provoked to attack the Islamic state.

Britain is expected to approve of any U.S. decision to invade Iran, although the Ministry of Defense has been affected by budget cuts and costly wars in Libya and Afghanistan. “The British government believes that a dual-track strategy of pressure and engagement is the best approach to address the threat from Iran’s nuclear program and avoid regional conflict,” an MoD spokesman said. Meanwhile, a poll showed that the majority of Israelis would support Tel Aviv in attacking Iran over its nuclear program. The surveys, conducted by the Dialog Institute, report that 41 percent of respondents agreed that they would back an Israeli attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities, which many Israelis believe were built to produce weapons.

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