Soon, the last American soldier participating or supporting the occupation of Iraq will leave the blessed land of the Euphrates and the Tigris, according to the agreement of American withdrawal signed with Iraq in 2008. Yes, the last American soldier will leave, a soldier who traveled thousands of miles, crossed seas and oceans to free Iraq from the Iraqis themselves. According to the agreement, Americans will not stay in Iraq after the withdrawal, except for sixteen thousand embassy employees in Baghdad only. These employees’ task will not be to kill because they are only spies. Yes, spies, nothing more than spies. They will work on completing the role of the American military, which is to deprive the Iraqi security service of equipment and members, making it a scarecrow that can’t repulse any attack on its frontiers, rather than a huge army able to threaten people. These employees will incite riots and religious, ethnic and national antagonism between all Iraqis, will participate in the deterioration and destruction of the Iraqi economy through organized thievery of all natural resources, and do diligent work to make Iraq weak among the countries of the region by perpetual declared and undeclared conflicts with neighbor countries. But the worst thing is that they monitor Iraq’s democracy; the embassy will remain an American steering wheel in Iraq, putting aside all the reputable national elites that want the best for the country and its people. They will continue to agitate the political conflicts between the masses and the parties which will be reflected directly or indirectly in the streets of Iraq.
American will work hard to destroy Iraq from the inside to complement its role from 2003 until now. All evidence indicates that the American military was behind the bloody explosions that happened in these lean years. They are accused of supplying all armed groups with materials that were killing thousands of Iraqis every day. The matter of withdrawal is very old and no Iraqi believes it anymore. What frightens us is that our wise government will rise, being grateful of the roll America played in freeing Iraq by giving some of the streets and squares American names. This is exactly like what happened in our neighbor Kuwait in 1991, where Baghdad Street was renamed Bush Street. Iraqis will not be surprised when they call it the Texas quarter instead of al-Washash or Jennifer instead of al-Jifri or al –Dawlay will turn into Dolly, after the cloned sheep.
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