America, Enemy of the Spring

Egyptian Minister Fayza Abul Naga’s bold statements have set the record straight and hindered America’s friends and agents, now repenting their service and defense of its crimes. Washington financed Egyptian NGOs in the name of philanthropy, all the while working to foil the Egyptian revolution and abuse it for both their own interests and Israel’s.

Hence Obama’s remarks, or rather threats, to cut off aid to Egypt if it doesn’t stop the raids and searches of NGOs and release the 19 accused Americans. This confirms Abul Naga’s statements that Washington is working to infiltrate these NGOs, spreading poison in the community to put the revolutionary spirit back on track, which will surely benefit the enemy nation of Israel.

We find that the minister’s statements fully apply to Mohamed Hassanein Heikal’s analysis, published in his lengthy interview with the Egyptian newspaper Al-Akhbar last week. Heikal asserts that the American intervention, which operated under the auspices of the Arab League and the guise of supporting the revolutions and protecting civilians, seeks to sabotage these revolutions and bring them to heel. Just as Britain hamstringed the Great Arab Revolt and broke its promises and treaties, such will be the destiny of Libya. Zionist-French intellectual Bernard-Henri Lévy acknowledges that he was behind the use of the NATO pact and was a personal source of information for the interim council. He even carried a letter to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, which stated that the Libyan revolutionaries were prepared to recognize the Jewish state.

What is happening in Yemen is not beyond Washington’s reach. “The Gulf Solution” has kept everything in order after Yemen’s President Ali Abdullah Saleh’s resignation, in a clever attempt to circumvent the revolution and strike from within. What is happening in Syria isn’t revolutionary zeal, but rather a chance for America and its allies to ride the momentum of this revolution and to control it and Syria, should it succeed.

Heikal’s analysis captures the whole picture and answers most questions. It confirms that America, which killed off both the Tunisian and Egyptian revolutions, is working hard to hijack the Yemeni, Libyan and Syrian revolutions and to control these nations in the name of the Arab Spring. Such a thing would plunge the Arab peoples back into despair and frustration and cripple the Spring, which promises radical change.

We agree with Heikal’s analysis and with Abul Naga’s statements, but we believe that Western involvement, or rather flagrant U.S. aggression against the Arab Spring, will not succeed. Washington will not achieve its goals because the Arab people rose up against both repressive authoritarian rulers and subordination to America and the Zionist enemy; they rose up against their corrupt rulers dragging their country and their people to their knees.

In short, America has gotten itself tangled up trying to ride the wave of the Arab Spring, but in the end, despite its relative successes in Libya, it won’t seize it. It will not break the backbone of the Arab revolutions after the people learned the truth and rose up against the regimes and against their subordination to the United States and its ally, the enemy Zionists.

In the end, we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.

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