Jorge Rafael Videla is in prison serving four life sentences for the crimes that he committed as the head of Argentina’s military dictatorship. He is a devout Catholic, worthy of membership in El Yunque, the secret society that aspires to govern Mexico. Now, at age 86, he details how he collaborated with the Catholic Church during the Dirty War that was waged against political opposition, with the goal of “disciplining an anarchistic society.”
Many denied that the papal representation and the Argentine bishops had supported the military dictatorship. But Videla shares how Church hierarchy advised the leaders of the coup on the best way to handle the situation of the thousands of disappeared and tortured, from the 500 stolen babies to the kidnapped and disappeared. The entire Argentine Church did not collaborate with the military. There were bishops, priests and nuns that died defending human rights and Christian principles.
While Videla regrets the disappearance of thousands of people, but takes no responsibility for what happened, another general says he has asked for forgiveness for “the excesses committed in his country.” I speak of Fernando Matthei of the Chilean Air Force. He does so by confirming the manner of death of his friend, General Alberto Bachelet, father of ex-president Michelle Bachelet: from the torture he was subjected to by the military coup headed by Pinochet. But the Chilean general does not regret his participation in the dictatorship. “Faced with the same situation (the ‘Communist threat’), I would do exactly the same.”
Fighting the “communist threat” was used to kill and persecute thousands. But the United States no longer believes in this threat. Now it’s another, the Muslim penetration, and there is already someone fighting it, emulating the deceased Sen. McCarthy: Congresswoman and former Republican presidential candidate Michele Bachmann. According to the legislator, the Muslim Brotherhood, the party that now governs Egypt, succeeded in introducing a Trojan horse into the State Department, over which Hilary Clinton presides.
I am speaking of Huma Abedin, the Muslim daughter of Egyptian immigrants who by her own capacity has risen to the highest levels of government. Former presidential candidate Bachmann maintains that this is proof there exists a “profound Muslim terrorist influence” in the Obama administration.
Republicans have reacted with terror to the possibility that Bachmann’s absurd accusations could be detrimental to her presidential campaign, even initiating a witch hunt within the government of Obama and a campaign of “fear and racism” against the Muslim community.
All that’s missing: Barack Obama, a danger to the United States…
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