Romney in Jerusalem

The soap opera-worthy spectacle of the American presidential campaign has assumed a trite and wearisome character unworthy of the once-dominant superpower.

Not only has Barack Obama, the incumbent president in full campaign mode, been under an “obligation” to sign new military aid agreements with the state of Israel, but his challenger, Mitt Romney, was also nearly “forced” to make a pilgrimage to Jerusalem to promise his unconditional support to Israel and to threaten Palestinians.

Speaking of “obligations” and being “forced,” are we really supposed to believe that the two candidates running for the White House have no other choice and can do nothing else but raise a white flag to Israel?

We know that the Palestinian territories, and along with them the peace and stability of the Middle East, have been taken hostage by Tel Aviv. But when the politics of the United States are taken equally hostage by Israel, it is completely legitimate to find all of this both tiresome and scandalous!

On one hand, we can acknowledge the electoral blackmail in light of the clout of the Jewish lobby in the United States. Still, when the security of the Israeli state and the impunity of the war criminals who govern in Tel Aviv are more important than the economic crisis or the American lifestyle, we can only say to ourselves that even American citizens have been taken hostage by the geopolitics that determine the relationship between the White House and Israel.

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