President Obama’s Most Serious Mistake

The following is one of the most deadliest legal phrases in American history: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” In Milwaukee a few days ago seven people were killed. In Aurora, we have 12 dead … Is this a repetitive horror game from Columbine where 15 were killed? The list continues all because of that one anachronistic phrase which was added to the U.S. Constitution in 1791 known as the Second Amendment. This was supposed to be a phrase of freedom. The Second Amendment bore the mark of the era: The need for a state armed police, the people back then needed to be able arm themselves in order to avoid being subjected to a tyrannical power. But after democracy was installed, how does one justify this old law? Justifying the Second Amendment now allows the citizen the right to arm his or herself with an entire arsenal since this is what is needed to resort to tyranny. Speaking of bullshit, the Second Amendment exists because a powerful private lobbyist, known as the National Rifle Association, has a mission that does not have the public’s welfare in mind. Gun control is the most notorious flops of Obama’s mandate that is to continue to allow people to be able to buy any type of weapon such as bazookas and machine guns. This is not about a failed constitutional amendment, but more for fear of losing the election. Al Gore lost the election in 2000, because he wanted to control the sale of guns. As a result, there will therefore be more unknown American cities in the future that will be remembered for the numbers killed by weapons.

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