US Election Does Not Change Much

After the presidential election in the United States we find ourselves in the same place. Even if Mitt Romney had won, nothing would really have changed. Essentially, the election in the United States no longer holds the same importance in the affairs of other countries. As for Poland, the focus is now on Europe, namely the European Union.

The current events in the United States are not so critical since the country has lost its economic and technological advantage over the rest of the world. The newly-appointed president acknowledges that some countries are more afraid of China than the West.

Poland’s attention is now centered on Europe and the European Union. Within the E.U., we are particularly interested in progressive countries proposing reforms and looking for pathways out of the economic crisis. The European Union is undergoing rapid changes as the American crisis, which caused calamitous repercussions throughout the world, has elicited a response from the Europeans. In particular, I am referring to the sealing of the Eurozone. This has also dispelled doubts concerning the political union project, which now can be freely realized.

Nevertheless, I think that the United States has not lost our friendship and sympathy. It remains one of our closest partners, even if it is no longer as important as Europe. The United States is still a key reference point for us, albeit not so vital as in the 90’s or at the beginning of the last decade. I wonder why our TV stations were so engrossed in the U.S. presidential election, as if it were the NBA Finals or the Super Bowl. I can only guess that it stemmed from our need to experience excitement and entertainment.

Professor Roman Kuźniar, Advisor to the President for International Affairs

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