Who Disarms the US?

After the horrific murders at an elementary school in Connecticut, the final episode of this never-ending chain of events was when a sorrowful Barack Obama said that “meaningful action” was necessary to prevent new tragedies due to the possession of firearms in the United States. The president made a similar announcement after the shooting of a congresswoman and the death of six people in Tucson, Arizona last year. However, nothing politically significant happened regarding gun control in the U.S. Nothing happened after the shooting at Columbine or the massacre at Virginia Tech in 2007, either.

If Republicans never vote against their most rooted principles, the Democrats will not do so either, fearing the loss of votes. Obama continued on pins and needles about the issue of gun control during his last electoral campaign, despite having promised four years prior to renew the timorous ban on assault weapons that Bill Clinton imposed and that expired in 2004.

More than a million people have died in the U.S. as a result of shootings over the last 40 years. The explosive data over the empty rhetoric on the endlessly discussed subject deals with the power of citizens, since basically anyone in the country has access to the most lethal weapons. Neither the successive inhabitants of the White House nor the leaders of Congress have shown any interest in tackling one of the most formidable evils in the nation that is supposed to be a beacon of human rights.

Obama cannot lose if he shows wit in using the facts of the emotional message he shared on Friday regarding this new killing spree. Obama should not leave the legacy to his countrymen, but should show courage on a strict law on firearms placing the U.S. in line with these other democracies where they are banned, by understanding that the right to possess them does not originate from God nor is it written in human nature.

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