They Couldn't Do It to Their Own Children

The death of another Russian child in the U.S. has been announced — three-year-old Maksim Kuzmin, who was adopted by American parents. How many more are being abused every day?

Americans have difficult lives: We have seen the shootings in their schools, stores and cinemas, and they take it out on adopted children. They couldn’t do it to their own children, so they take in foreign and particularly disabled ones — no one will say anything. Under no circumstance can we send our children abroad, and especially to countries where same-sex marriage is legal; children could end up in very difficult psychological surroundings!

Our “street opposition” shouts that children are dying in Russia. I agree that we have our shortcomings. But they are the children of our country, and to give them away to abuse and death is monstrous. Yes, children die in our country, but why do we need foreigners to kill them, too? It’s like immigrants: Certainly, we have bandits of our own, but why do we need bandits from another country, who come here for that very purpose?

The problem needs to be solved, not exacerbated. That is why the LDPR faction is in favor of a complete ban on foreign adoptions of Russian children.

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