Obama's Way and Duty

If words alone could create peace, Barack Obama would almost be at his goal. Once more, he displayed his talent at expressing simple truths, even uncomfortable ones, in apt words. Once more, he promoted change and spoke out against the blockade in the Middle East. By passing over the heads of the aged, at times bullheaded, politicians and addressing students directly, Obama appealed to the youth’s power of imagination and to their ability to think differently. And by using incisive gestures, he stressed America’s emotional ties to the Jewish state and guaranteed security for Israel’s existence. This promise is necessary if skeptical Israeli politicians like Benjamin Netanyahu are to consider making any concessions in the peace process.

It remains to be seen whether all of this amounts to much ado about nothing. For four years, Obama has been content with the role of passive observer — reluctant in his actions, courageous only at the lectern. This has to change. The desired two-state solution will only get its chance if Obama throws all of his weight behind it.

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