Americans Become Accomplices to the Crime Committed by Syrian Soldiers

A Public Lie Is a Crime No Less than Aggression

A public lie is a crime no less than aggression; a public lie is a backbone and foundation for any crime. If the U.S., knowing very well that its very own mercenaries are using sarin gas to provoke American intervention, nonetheless states that Syrian authorities applied the poison, then that means that the Americans themselves are accomplices to the crime. The use of chemical agents to achieve military goals is a crime under the very thing that the United Governments wouldn’t sign — the Geneva Convention in 1929 — and in accordance with a variety of more recent international agreements, most of which the United States agreed to participate in.

Secondly, it is announcing its intention to use military force to take down a lawful power, supported by its people at the polls, which is also an international crime. Thirdly, this indicates that the U.S. puts its own wishes above those of the rest of the world, even if it means putting itself against the rest of the world.

In Syria the Legitimate Authorities Are Taking on Hired Terrorists

The fact that sarin, a chemical nerve agent, was used by opponents of Assad was confirmed by a credible international commission, including the former attorney general of a special tribunal on Yugoslavia. His authority had not been subjected to the slightest doubt until the tribunal and the prosecutor acted against the side of the Yugoslav conflict, which committed the least of all crimes. Until then, they trusted Carla Del Ponte unconditionally, and only ceased to trust her when she began to point to the crimes of anyone other than the Serbs.

However, it is sufficient to refer to basic common sense, not just the words of Carla del Ponte. Now the legitimate government of Syria is launching an offensive on hired terrorists. There are ample conventional forces at the Syrian government’s disposal, which are upheld by international law. These forces operate quite successfully; the legitimate authority has absolutely no reason to resort to illegal means, if the legitimate ones work fine. Meanwhile, criminals, whose activities are not restricted by international law, naturally will resort to the means prohibited by this law.

Moreover, from the moment that the United States declared the use of chemical weapons in Syria, it was willing to use any excuse for direct intervention. The legitimate authority no longer has any incentive to use prohibited weapons. And even if there were incentives before, hired criminals, naturally, would have had equal incentives.

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