What's Behind the News, the 'American' Nobel?!

How does the American president, Barack Obama, differ from those who came before him in the White House, especially those who rode the horse of fabrication and forgery to justify policies they imposed on others? The war in Iraq does not provide the only example because the winner of the Nobel Peace Prize wants to repeat that scenario and has already tried to do so in Libya and now Syria.

When Obama discusses the region, he does not mention anything new: He simply adds a dimension that makes it seem criminal to have not stopped him from having been nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize. It makes one reconsider the Nobel and its credibility. Is this prize now awarded to those who prove they are the most criminal, discouraging advocates of real peace?

A Nobel Peace Prize now goes to those participating in the biggest lie witnessed by this modern era. This is what the Zionist entity has been built on, and there is still more to come!

The “United States of Obama” is now allowed to announce that it will be bombing a group of people because they are considered “terrorists” and then, when it appears to have bombed a wedding by mistake, there is no discussion: just a “sorry for the inconvenience” and Obama still holds on to his Nobel Peace Prize.

America’s planes fly without pilots. Its nuclear ships cruise the sea, and its spies meddle in the private matters of other countries. All the while, 50 lectures on human and civil rights and the prevention of nuclear weapons are being delivered by night and its students and those around it eliminated by day. Using nuclear and chemical weapons, uranium and phosphorus, killing thousands and displacing millions, Obama still hangs on to the Nobel Peace Prize. Maybe one day he will wake up and then what will he say?

The “American” Nobel is not for peace. It is a grand prize for whomever can prove himself the most criminal and bloodthirsty. Only America has the right to issue certificates on terrorism and good behavior, granting legitimacy to its own regimes. Only America has the right to assess its own performance in Guantanamo, Abu Ghraib, dozens of CIA secret mobile prisons and its systematic repression of Palestinian detainees of the Zionist occupation. Only the “American” Nobel Prize winner has the right to define what terrorism is and what is legitimate self-defense.

I am unable to find anyone deserving of the Nobel Peace Prize. Some have withdrawn after an awakening of conscience, realizing that they no longer deserve it or never have, but the media is unable to name anyone else who has been awarded the “American” Nobel.

Having already won it, will Obama still hold on to the Nobel Peace Prize?

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