Washington Abbreviates Its History of Crime

Edited by Kyrstie Lane

If history were recording the United States’ multitude of achievements, it would conversely be recording that Washington has always reduced the value of acts of murder, extermination and conquering the peoples of the world, the flouting of human rights and international conventions. Glancing at the records of the United States confounds most allegations of American moral superiority. It was, from the beginning, one of the powers most inclined toward expansion in contemporary history.

It expanded across North America to extract from Mexico and incorporate Texas, Arizona and California in 1846. Through that process, it destroyed most of the indigenous populations. By the middle of the 19th century, it had expelled Britain from the northwest Pacific Ocean and tightened its control over the Western Hemisphere. Since that time, Washington has fought many aggressive wars. It left behind wars in the Philippines between the years 1899-1902, with somewhere between 200,000 and 400,000 killed, most of them civilians. The United States and its allies did not hesitate to kill 305,000 German civilians and 330,000 Japanese civilians through aerial bombardment during World War II. The majority of the victims were lost in deliberate air campaigns against hostile cities. It is not surprising that the American General Curtis LeMay, who led the bombing campaign against Japan, said to one of his aides: “I suppose if I had lost the war, I would have been tried as a war criminal.”

The United States launched more than 6 million tons of bombs during its wars in Vietnam, including tons of napalm bombs and chemical bombs to defoliate trees. They were directly responsible for the deaths of an estimated 1 million civilians. After that, the American invasion of Afghanistan under the pretext of combating terrorism and the invasion of Iraq under the pretext of the existence of weapons of mass destruction — which were revealed later to be a lie — and the American role in what is called the “Arab Spring” all point to the American strategy dependent on ready-made excuses to justify aggressive wars for the Zionist entity.

American army operations have directly and indirectly led, over the course of the last three decades, to the deaths of 250,000 Muslims. That is a conservative estimate not including those who have fallen because of the international sanctions against Iraq in the 1990s, though it includes more than 100,000 people who died in the wake of the invasion and occupation of Iraq in 2003. The American special forces and drones are undertaking operations in at least five countries, killing an unknown number of innocent civilians under the pretext of terrorist threats. That permanent focus on alleged threats creates a state of mind where every action taken against it is not only justified but is also a cause for celebration.

Despite the fact that there is a large-scale realization that America has entered a stage of decline — the country suffers from rising unemployment, mountains of debt, the loss of entire industries, the erosion of the middle class and widening disparities of wealth, a very corrupt political system that now looks more like an oligarchy than a democracy and, according to many people, the shame of having occupied Afghanistan and Iraq and of having destroyed Libya — the system of torture, the oppression of people and the theft of their resources is a perpetual feeling. It seems that putting bullets in people’s skulls and tearing them apart with drones is one of the very few things that America continues to contribute. This is the food that the political class gives to the people in order to keep them convinced of the uniqueness of the country. However, this is feeding poison that can satisfy in the short term, but can certainly cause diseases in the long term. What is striking is the celebration by Americans of widespread killing. Thus, foreign policy is based on a number of heads that can lead the empire at gunpoint. The American president is not only authorized to kill — without control, transparency or accountability — but he also celebrates doing it, regardless of the number of innocent babies, men and women. America today attempts to target Syria under false pretexts. Its one goal is to enact the Zionist desire aimed at keeping Israel the dominant power in the region.

Those who follow American policies in the region and the world — old and new — firmly realize that it is based on fabrications and lies to mislead American public opinion firstly and world opinion secondly to realize its goals in theft and securing its interests and the interests of the Israeli entity. As for the slogans of freedom and human rights, the alleged war on terrorism and other such slogans, they are but pretexts to justify its actions.

The people of the entire world have suffered from the organized state terrorism that Washington practices through American intervention in different parts of the world. The latest manifestation of these policies appeared in the Arab region. Under the pretext of the “Arab Spring,” it produced Western compartments. This policy, extending from Tunisia to Libya, Egypt, Yemen, Somalia and Sudan, reached its peak in the war on Syria, in which most people are betting on its victory to stop the policy of American querulousness.

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