Come and Buy My Personal Details

The value of a single user can be determined by taking the market share of a provider and dividing it by the amount of its users. The market share for WhatsApp users averages $42, whereas it averages $140 on Facebook.

So I am worth $42.22. That number can be calculated by taking the price Facebook has paid for the messaging app WhatsApp, $19 billion, divided by the number of users.

In comparison, I am worth $85.53 on Twitter, using its market share, and $141.32 on Facebook. I do not receive any of that money. In general, I constantly have the feeling that everyone but me is making a profit because of my posts on social networking sites and my browsing activity.

Anyhow, there is now one provider which promises me part of the business around submitting my personal data, by giving me eight euros a month. This may not sound like much, but it is eight euros more than before. Eight euros is actually one and a half crates of Oettinger beer. This will give them access to my social accounts and my credit card transactions.

The data will then be sold to the firm Datacoup, then to market researchers, companies and possibly hackers, too. Just like others do with my data. Only this way, I actually know it is happening and I receive eight euros a month for it. Or maybe not? I should probably try taking this into my own hands.

The Whole Truth for 2000 Euros

Dear companies who want to do something with my data,

I have a special offer for you. Now, for only a few days, you can buy my personal data.

I have a sufficient supply of demographics — Asian, male, between 14 and 49, single earner in a single home, my media use with regard to TV/ Internet/video, my high scores for diverse video games (Call of Duty in particular) and a lot more.

By surfing the different Internet platforms you can already build a rough picture: You can find me on Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, LinkedIn, Xing, MySpace, StudiVZ, Vine, Instagram, Amen, Wikipedia and the Örtliche. Thus, I offer my complete curriculum vitae for $425.95, as it corresponds to the value of a LinkedIn profile according to the market share per user times five.

Since the whole truth costs more, for 1000 euros, I will save you time from scrolling through my Facebook timeline in order to find out everything I like. For this exceptional price I will tell you everything and for 2000 euros I will tell you everything face to face. But beware; there is no guarantee of getting your money back if the data bores you.

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