Momentous events have arisen to leave their mark on the fate of the upcoming presidential election, though judging from poll results, it still cannot be definitively said which candidate will come out on top. “America in Crisis” is a phrase that American media outlets have selected for their general news coverage. It’s also a phrase whose meaning extends to the electoral scene as the result of a global pandemic, with America having recorded the world’s highest number of cases. Then we have the explosion of civil unrest in response to racism, all signs that indicate Joe Biden is on the verge of fulfilling the Democratic Party’s dream of returning to the presidency. This is despite the fact that he lacks the fundamental characteristics that reflect the “American Dream” which voters love to see embodied in their president: charisma, exorbitant wealth, power and authority.
The possibility of a Democrat assuming the presidency will, of course, reawaken memories of the Egyptian people’s poor experience with the last Democratic president, Barack Obama. Furthering that negative impression is the recent unexpected declassification of documents that detailed the plans of Obama and Hillary Clinton, his secretary of state in 2010, to extend support to the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, Libya and Tunisia. According to disclosures from Obama’s secret Presidential Study Directive-11, the U.S. planned to divide the Arab world on the basis of Sunni and Shia. In addition, the talons America displayed to fulfill the objectives set out in the directive, Turkey and Qatar, made public appearances to the world after they supported chaos and the overthrow of governments in the Middle East. Another issue was the fact that individuals with ties to the Brotherhood ascended to important positions in the Obama administration, like Huma Abedin, Clinton’s deputy chief of staff, whose family is deeply connected to the organization. There was also Rashad Hussein, Obama’s special envoy to the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation, and many more. According to the testimony of Robert Gates, former secretary of defense, there were 15 such persons. For his part, Biden, the Democratic presidential candidate, has added “the Muslim American vote” to the cards he wields against his opponent, Donald Trump. The former participated in a conference held by Image, an Islamist group that has ties to the transnational Muslim Brotherhood, though the scope of his participation was limited to his campaign.
Rapid changes over the past few years have influenced the traditional view of the Democratic Party. On one hand, concealing blaspheming terrorist organizations’ direct ties to the Muslim Brotherhood is no longer possible under the guise of “political Islam,” whose reputation is poor. Obama’s policies concerning the Arab world took advantage of popular dissatisfaction with reprogramming situations that led to disastrous outcomes. And no matter how much Biden’s foreign policy team tries to repackage Obama’s strategies, these dubious plots coming to light has birthed extreme skepticism toward those who bartered with the people’s sorrows. Arabs have realized that despite the slogans these organizations peddle, they intend to sell out their homelands, not fix them. Another obstacle is the feebleness of the tools that Obama relied on previously. All the terrorist leaves and branches fell from the Muslim Brotherhood’s tree within the span of one year. It became emaciated and has lost its popularity in the countries it once aimed to destroy, and in the rest of the world. The American political elite of both parties cannot hide behind their traditional plans for the Middle East, not as general opinion shifts toward reducing the government’s interference in foreign affairs. Biden’s promise to keep a limited number of American troops in the Gulf to patrol and observe the Islamic State group reflects that shift, meaning American foreign policy will continue to be as it is under Trump. Whatever surprises await us this coming November, there is no precedent for America adhering to a “Catholic marriage” with one party only. There are numerous examples of cards America has gambled on in its foreign policy game, only to end up abandoning them in the cheapest way possible.
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