What Is Essential

The main obstruction to additional American weapon shipments to Ukraine is the House of Representatives. In an emergency, Europe will have to step up; the German chancellor must also prepare for this possibility.

In Ukraine and the European capitals, those who are anxiously wondering if the U.S. will no longer be the most important ally of invaded countries cannot yet breathe a sigh of relief. The main obstruction to the aid package is the House of Representatives, where Donald Trump has more influence among Republicans than in the Senate.

Logic of the Tribal Feud

The lower house of Congress has always considered itself an independent institution, which is why Congress was able to overcome the never-ending tribal feud in America there on Tuesday. The vast majority that voted to pass the aid package for Ukraine included many Republicans.

Trump’s worldview suggests that he would gift Europe to Putin. One can only shake one’s head at this since we are dealing with a continent that is still strategically central and which two generations of Americans fought to include in Western civilization at great sacrifice. But increasingly fewer Republicans see it that way, and world leaders with at Atlantic or global perspective will continue to lose influence there.

At long last, we in Europe need to prepare for this. The German chancellor says American aid to Ukraine essential. If anything is essential, it is aid for Ukraine. If it doesn’t come from Congress, Europe must step in.

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