Biden, Don’t Overdo It, You Have To Tend the Garden

What separates them is that Trump will die with his boots on, while Biden is harvesting tomatoes from his garden, sweetly, like Vito Corleone at the end of his life

There’s a lot of talk about diversity, but when it comes down to it, it’s about diversity of race or gender, not age. Seniors only show up on foot massager commercials on late-night TV (what a disgusting moment) or in charming situations in which a reporter asks, “Grandpa! Why didn’t they have this in your day?”, treating them like infants, like the Juan y Medio kids’ show on Canal Sur on Spanish TV. I swear to God, the day they treat me like this it will be a disaster, so I hope that until the day absent-mindedness from memory loss kicks in, my bad mood will be preserved. I think that’s what makes you wet yourself without realizing it. You’ve been warned. It’s what happened to Biden: He forgot his diaper before the debate with Trump and because of that extra stress, he couldn’t finish a phrase. He wanted to be Dorian Gray in a childhood society, but he looked like the living dead.

It would be very cruel to draw a clear line defining the moment when it’s not possible to be the president of a country or the editor of a newspaper, for example, but it’s clear that if you don’t have the skills to do these jobs, it’s better to withdraw. Most 30-year-olds would not have the capacity to take on a responsibility that many 80-year-olds would accept. Biden, I’m sorry to say, is not on this list. Mick Jagger is of Biden’s generation, he is 80 where Biden is 81, but he keeps on crafting original rock and roll. Biden, on the other hand, is a lullaby for a corpse, and apparently neither his liver nor his nose have suffered very much.

It’s not Biden’s age, it’s that he doesn’t have skills, in this case associated with his age, to manage anything that’s not in his own backyard. Trump is 78, it’s not that big a difference in age. What separates them is that Trump will die with his boots on, while Biden is harvesting tomatoes from his garden, sweetly, like Vito Corleone at the end of his life. It’s not your age, stupid, it’s your mind. There are 20-year-old youngsters who you wouldn’t trust with the car keys. It is already a danger for me to have the keys, which exposes me to more stress. But there are 90-year-old guys whose brains fire off more with intensity than with dementia.

We are more what we have lived than what remains for us to live. It would be good for us to get used to someone from the “silver generation” governing us, but Biden doesn’t fit this advertising stereotype. You can’t be young forever, no matter how many sudokus you do between flights.

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