Trump or Harris? US Policy on Israel Won’t Change!

Americans wait alongside the rest of the world for the results of the U.S. presidential election, as the race heats up between Republican Donald Trump and Democrat Kamala Harris.

With the presidential candidates exchanging bitter charges in a campaign season already wrought with the attempted assassination of Trump and Joe Biden’s withdrawal, there will be increasingly fierce competition in the days leading to Election Day on Nov 5. Who will win? What are the candidates’ policies on the Middle East?

Riad Tabbarah, former ambassador to Washington, told Al-Markazia that Regarding the Middle East and the Palestinian issue, there will be no profound change in policy in the United States of America due to the influence wielded by the Israeli lobby. We saw the warm applause for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during his speech to Congress; they applauded after his every word, to the point that he asked, annoyed, for them to stop and listen to him. It follows that it would be difficult to bring about comprehensive change in U.S. policy toward Israel. Despite Israel’s heretofore conduct and disregard of U.S. demands, and despite making statements to Congress unaligned with stated U.S. policy, Netanyahu nonetheless garnered applause. Consequently, Israel’s influence over U.S. decisions will not be easily shaken, although some of the details may vary.

Regarding the Trump and Harris’ prospects, Tabbarah stated that the American election takes place in just 10 states, where the results may pivot from one candidate to another; these states, such as Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania, must be watched closely. The rest are fixed and unchanging, apportioned between Republicans and Democrats. The difference between Trump and Biden was vast in these core states, before the withdrawal of the latter. But when Harris stepped forward, those on the sidelines who were holding back their votes, refusing to choose Biden because he was too old and refusing to choose Trump at all, breathed a collective sigh of relief that Harris, at 60 years old, was relatively young. The number of swing voters and their reception exceeded all expectation; Harris regained ground, closing the gap between Biden and Trump in key states. This is according to the most recent opinion polls, which means the battle will be fierce.” But can Harris sustain this unexpected surge? No one knows at the moment.

In the present state of affairs, the ubiquity of the Israeli lobby suggests that there will be no significant shift in the relationship between the U.S. and Israel. Harris is more of a humanitarian than Trump, who watches out for his own interests. Before running, Harris spoke about the two-state solution, and, at the beginning of her campaign, acknowledged the Palestinians directly in order to express solidarity and to denounce the killing of children. That is, she has enough courage to stand in the face of Israel, at the very least, when it comes to atrocities like infanticide. However, her husband, who is a Zionist Jew, has taken the liberty of speaking on behalf of Harris on television, asserting her support for Israel. This kindled resentment in the American press until Harris’ husband stopped talking about the issue. Trump asserts that the Biden administration saw conflict in Ukraine and Palestine, near-war with China and animosity with Russia. Trump claimed that these conflicts did not begin under his watch for the fundamental reason that these countries respected him. Trump asserted that had he asked Vladimir Putin not to go to war, he would not have done so, all out of admiration for If Trump wins reelection, it will be hard for him to instigate war or neglect resolving ongoing conflicts. So, I imagine that Trump will be for peace. However, we do not know the extent to which Harris will be interested in the Ukraine issue, or in ending the conflict in Gaza. She surely will try to resolve ongoing wars that began during the Biden presidency, as Trump will certainly throw all of his weight in this direction until he emerges as a man of peace: beloved, respected and listened to.

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