Kamala Harris’ Laughter

The new Democratic candidate for president, who will soon be crowned at the Democratic National Convention starting Monday, can’t help but laugh at every turn. The Trump campaign is outraged, but the image of her laughing is taking hold.

“Laffin’ Kamala.” We had “Sleepy Joe,” and now we have another nickname concocted by Trump for the new Democratic candidate who will soon be crowned by her party at the Dmocratic National Convention starting on Monday. Anti-Harris ads portray the California candidate regularly making her presence felt in interviews with embarrassed laughter. It is a fascinating performance that verges on awkward; what is there to laugh about? That is what Trump’s team asks itself as they glumly look at the polls.

We have to say that in their American dream, everything is ugly. Purchase power has collapsed, Venezuela has emptied its prisons directly onto the American border, and we’re being murdered on every corner, undoubtedly because good American citizens are not sufficiently armed. And we don’t even know whom we’re dealing with anymore, all those men in skirts, transexuals, ambiguous athletes –- and now a Black-not-really-Black, but Indian instead, wants to be president!

No, really, life is funnier with Kamala, at least as far as promises are concerned. Some 16 million new jobs, salaries rising faster than prices, a safer border, lower crime rates. There is no apocalypse at Harris’ place. America is not losing its soul or its democracy as Joe Biden feared. We are no longer predicting World War III or a crash next week. As for Trump, he has lost an opportunity to put the laughter on his side.

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About Soeli Leverett 10 Articles
My name is Soeli, and I am about to graduate with a bachelors degree from the University of Nottingham in Modern Languages with Translation (French and Spanish). I will be starting an MA in Translation this year. I think that Watching America is a great concept and I can't wait to work with them.

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