Obama Speaks on Gadhafi's Death and Urges Securing Dangerous Materials

China News Service (CNS) reports that when President Obama of the United States spoke on the death of Gadhafi, the former leader of Libya, on Oct. 20, he remarked that this marks the end of the Gadhafi regime and the end of a long and painful chapter of the Libyans.

In his five-minute speech, Obama described Gadhafi as “one of the world’s longest-serving dictators.” He also extolled the air strikes by the U.S., Britain, France and other countries, which have played an important role in the fall of Gadhafi. At the same time, however, he acknowledged that the ultimate victory belongs to the people of Libya. “You have won your revolution,” Obama said to the people of Libya.

Remarking on the situation following Gadhafi’s death, Obama said that even though “the dark shadow of tyranny has been lifted,” the Libyans still have a great responsibility. He urged the interim regime to form a new government pronto and have a stable transition into democracy, as well as to properly handle all the disturbing problems Gadhafi left behind. He especially touched on the issue of “secur[ing] dangerous material.”

According to foreign reports, President Obama said that Gadhafi’s death marked the beginning of a new chapter in the history of the people of Libya. He also added that Gadhafi’s death means that the NATO mission in Libya will soon come to an end and that America looks forward to the announcement of Libya’s liberation.

In addition, he also warns that the “iron fist” regime in the Arab world will eventually come to its end.

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