Let us rejoice in the defeat of aggression and the withdrawal of the invaders. You will not spoil the joy that comes with the declaration of withdrawal from Iraq, even if it was reluctant.
We want to rejoice in the defeat and departure of corruption, killing, displacement, destruction, difference, and division lasting nine years. Obama officially announced the withdrawal in his speech. So why does this joy corrupt our politicians and cause people to write extensively forecasting the period after withdrawal as one of uncertainty and concern? Why not rejoice in the future? Let us rejoice because we have tasted the bitterness of occupation. We did not find there to be any plight in your scare tactics even if you carried with you the end of days because we believe in God and are a noble people who didn’t deserve all the received horrors and suffering. Obama confirmed that he couldn’t trust us, like his predecessors. We want to be proud that he announced the withdrawal and congratulate his troops and their families who have not congratulated the children of Iraq. The children of Iraq will not forget their losses as they did not believe in the usefulness of the war which was revealed to be a lie and whose declared motives were a fabrication. The war claimed thousands of these soldiers and spent billions of their tax dollars without providing any logic or justification. America’s people will remain in denial that they claimed victory in Libya by killing Gadhafi, considering it a lie from the war’s predecessors and its producers.Targeting peoples and their resources does not resolve the murder of their leaders or their death.
We believe Obama to be happy and proud of his withdrawal and defeat. We know very well that his people didn’t believe his predecessor when he announced the alleged end of the war in his victory speech of May 2003. That was two months after the invasion; the war would continue for nine more years following that announcement. Then Obama would come and devote billions of dollars toward the survival of the occupation and prepare for the upcoming roles.
We believed Obama but his people knew he was not sincere when he didn’t mention one sentence in his speech in defense of himself, even for the purpose of the elections, he still refers to the error and futility of the war that Bush and conservative Republicans waged on Iraq. We believe that if he was sincere in apologizing to the Iraqis for the war that pushed woes, misfortunes, and calamities upon them he would have said so, but he has said nothing, not a single word.
We believe in Obama’s joy in defeat despite him not believing himself nor his Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, or others when they pledged their continued protection of Iraq. Nor do they believe in the documentation of this relationship, Obama knows they are alleged liars because of the occupation of Iraq. He didn’t even protect his neighbors who extended their hands, aircraft, armies, and militias to destroy Iraq. He bombed and besieged Iraq when their forces were present in the hundreds of thousands, thus failing to protect Iraq even though it was defended by thousands of trained technicians and men of intelligence and security companies. Can these companies be trusted with this task? We believe that the military withdrawal will come after the withdrawal of punishment, so why rejoice reluctantly?
When the occupiers of all the nations that have been occupied are displayed by the armies of their leader they will look forward to a better future of reconstruction and development in their countries. Their afflicted peoples have been affected by calls for reconciliation. They must raise their motivation and refine the current atmosphere to be one of forgiveness for past mistakes and praise for their people, including those in the resistance. They made the sacrifice for the liberation of their people and are proud of achieving security and peace with their neighbors. They have brought deep joy and good tiding through their displacement of colonialism and achieving sovereignty and independence. So why are we without all of these people in regards to a suitable withdrawal of the occupying forces? Why are they viewing the announcement of withdrawal as punishment for our people? The occupiers are the source of the intimidation and criminalization of the people and are threatening to cut their throats and livelihoods.Why is the timing of an appropriate withdrawal markedly visible today, including actions and statements?
Why are today’s detention procedures and displacement offers organized by men of the previous regime? Did they not think to stop what they have been doing after nine years of torture and torment? Why is the emphasis on the need for intensive implementation of death sentences for former army leaders before starting to withdraw?
Why does this withdrawal coincide with the announcement of extermination lists for the competent and educators who have contributed beyond a doubt to raising and teaching those who will build and praise a new Iraq despite years of war and long lasting sanctions?
Why are you exchanging deconstructive insults and questions as partners in the political process? Why have you formulated a lie, the Arbil Initiative, which has been accepted by our presidential council and Secretary of Defense in your government? Why do you all seem to have a excess of visions and sandy positions even in the case of troop withdrawals, when you must be united and proud of the national goal? Are you all not ashamed that Obama announced to his people the unilateral withdrawal of his forces from Iraq standing before partners, leaders, and politicians combined? Do you not congratulate your people and promise them salvation from the occupation whether or not you actually represent the will of the people in achieving this withdrawal?
Why make statements and take actions that intensify and change the responsibilities of departments, military forces, as well as security and intelligence agencies with the intent of establishing a one-party state of one person and one orientation? All in such a way that reveals the lie within the partnership and reconciliation attempts? As long as you boast about these things it seems as if the cries of eradication will continue as well as regional divisions, separatism, and sectarian/ethnic agendas among partners that have intensely coincided with the announcement of U.S. withdrawal.
Why sign oil and gas contracts into laws destined to fail? And why are the FAO project plans being curbed because of funding difficulties? Why are Iraq’s Kurds threatening to secede and declare a Kurdish state when they make up only 10 percent of the Kurdish region? Why have their been outcries from the Sunni and Shiite provinces that also threaten division? Why have there arisen an escalation of violence and bombings stirring more crises of political power? And why have you seeped files of corruption into these issues exacerbating electricity and water problems, highlighting issues in the disputed areas, and creating problems of border demarcation all the while disrupting bodies of integrity meant to resolves these issues? Bodies such as the election commission which is a scrambling mess of upset political blocs espousing the need to amend the constitution?
Why have the roles of regional powers been active in Iraq since the invasion? Today the pattern of competing interests has assigned roles in the occupation such as Turkish, Iranian, or Zionist insiders. Why are there sectarian motives and the repeat expansion of the U.S. administration emphasizing the continuing role of the U.S. protecting Iraq?
Why doesn’t anyone remember the role of the national resistance forces or the anti-occupation forces, which have contributed to an accelerated U.S. withdrawal and done so proudly, as though you don’t want to say that they resisted the occupiers for your people?
Did you resist the invaders? Not to mention your role in defection, why have you failed to honor the martyrs and prisoners who are not exempt from being pursued and arrested?
We believed Obama reluctantly because we want to convince the whole world that we are Iraqis and we conquered the failed American and greater Western project. We want to be happy with this achievement despite having suffered many lives, tribulations, and misfortunes. We embrace our history with pride. The occupiers will pay the price by requiring their people and the peoples of the world to pay compensation which will destroy them sooner or later. We do not support your politics, dearest politicians and elected leaders, unless you stop the abuse and subjugation of our people, our professionals, and our displaced. You must stop the marginalization of our resistance and our strength, because we do not approve of you presenting the U.S. withdrawal as a punishment on our account. You make us look weak, defeated, like supporters of terrorism, torture, violence, conflict, all in the name of promoting power gains, division, separation, intimidation, blackmail, threats, and conflict. You vowed to come in the night and wreak destruction as occupiers and invaders.
Our punishment for such awareness is that our people will have greater mobility and will become stronger. They have set their determination at the pace of the U.S. withdrawal, which will be daily and will alternate in all of its forms. It will affect the roles of regional projects as well as their surrogates, which will fall in their sectarian, ethnic, and divisive forms. The Iraqis will prove they are truly better for their unity and the closing of their ranks. The announcement of the national unity project will consolidate the pillars of the popular movement for change that will rebuild Iraq on its road to achieving its renaissance.
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