Obama is fundraising on all fronts. For several days, YouTube videos have been inviting Americans to celebrate Michelle’s birthday by holding up a sign, in front of a camera, embellished with an encouraging or affectionate note. You can also send her an email. This marvelous idea is “signed” Barack, who laid it on thick when he spoke about their 20th wedding anniversary last fall. And the upcoming 10 months are going to be terrible for her. Be nice — give a little something.
If you are a fan of Michelle, you can attach money. You hadn’t thought of fundraising for the first lady’s birthday? Her husband’s campaign team did so without apology. Not very Obama, you think? Do you have a better idea? You can forget about giving her a copy of “The Obamas,” the book filled with nastiness about her; she won’t read it and said so on ABC this week. No, just a dime. It’s snobby and very grassroots.
It’s a given that Obama will have a more discreet and cozy idea for their annual date in a trendy, starred restaurant like The Source, where they went in 2011. Although they can’t eat into the campaign fund, of course.
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