Double Veto Ends Era of American Power

As was expected, Russia and China, for the second time in a few months, have used a double veto against the resolution drafted by the Western and Arabic countries. This lethal blow shocked American Ambassador to the UN (Susan) Rice to the point that she lost control and said: “This Council has been held hostage by a couple of members.”

However, Rice is forgetting, or pretends to be forgetting, that the Russian and Chinese stance happened to liberate the Security Council, which for more than 15 years had been held hostage by Washington implementing decisions at its will, violating the UN’s charter, disdaining other countries’ sovereignty and independence and crossing their borders to wage war and colonize them.

It is obvious that the American stance is nothing but the reflection of the degree of Washington’s frustration. For the first time since the collapse of the Soviet Union, the U.S. found itself losing its hegemonic power over the international organization, unable to bend it to its will. The United States got used to the UN acting according to its wishes, with most of the countries recognizing America’s supremacy and others not mentioning their irritation.

It can be said that the U.S. and its allies have been hit by the great catastrophe on the top of the series of recent catastrophes, to mention the most spectacular ones: a humiliating failure in Iraq, a great fiasco in Afghanistan, its apparent weakness in the face of the firm attitude presented by the Islamic Republic of Iran, and most lately a total flop of its hegemonic colonization plan opposed by Syria and its president Bashar al-Assad.

The example of America’s severe failures indicates that their imperialism is entering a historical period of fading and decline. Its era of governing over international resolutions has come to an end.

The administration of Barack Obama has again made a mistake in underestimating the seriousness of the Russian and Chinese refusal to allow Western dominance over international resolutions to continue. The two countries put an end to exploiting the Security Council as a tool allowing the West to interfere in Syrian affairs and those of other countries opposing foreign dominance plans and rejecting American and Western mandates. That is why the campaign of pressure led by the United States and other Western capitals and supported by the Gulf money failed when Moscow and Beijing stuck to their positions.

Washington and its allies have become hysterical, giving free rein to the hired thugs to assault number of the Syrian Embassies abroad and attacking Russia and China. True are the words of Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, who said: “Some comments from the West on the UN Security Council vote, I would say, are indecent and bordering on hysteria.” He also said: “He who gets angry is rarely right.”

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