AMERICAN pundits critical of President Obama as well as those who want him to win a second term this November all see the anti-US demonstrations in Muslim countries as another sign that President Barrack Obama’s foreign policy is a failure.
The difference is that the critical ones, many of whom are Republicans or at least would be happy to see someone else, even Mitt Romney to replace him, describe the Middle East situation as it is.
The Obama lovers (who are so because of his big government and welfare-state ideology, his pro-abortion and anti-religion stand and his closeness feminist-movement leaders and the labor unions) also see that in the nearly four years of his presidency American prestige and power have diminished. They see, as Obama-haters do, that in the three years and nine months of the Democratic Party-Obama administration the challengers to US supremacy in business, military might and ability to protect its allies have grown more powerful.
But the Obama lovers follow his lead in covering up, or actually lying about the facts.
Thus it was that all the major US print and radio-TV media—except Fox News, the right wing radio-TV broadcasters and newspapers (such as the Washington Times and the Washington Examiner)—joined President Obama, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the White House spokesman and US Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice in propagating the lie that the anti-Muslim film “The Innocence of Muslims” is solely to blame for the frenzy of an Egyptian mob that scaled the walls of the US Embassy in Cairo, violated the American flag and chanted anti-American curses.
The Egyptian mobs kept their vigil around the US Embassy for nearly a week. Some demonstrators have reportedly been identified by US intelligence and media veterans as radical Islamists with links to the late Osama bin Laden’s al-Qaeda and the militant wing of the Muslim Brotherhood. It is the pan-Arabic Islamic fundamentalist group. Although in Egypt, where it was founded years before World War II, the Muslim Brotherhood has declared its renunciation of violence to pursue its aims, many other countries consider the Muslim Brotherhood as a violent and even terrorists organization.
Is Egypt still a US ally?
In Egypt it launched a political party, also called Muslim Brotherhood. Its candidate, Mohamed Morsi, won in elections last June which chose the person to succeed President Hussein Mubarak. Tonight, Sept. 23 Manila time, President Morsi arrives in Washington, DC for meetings with President Obama. This meeting will determine if Egypt is still America’s ally or has just become a non-enemy. This two possibilities were stated by President Obama himself when, after the outrage in the US Embassy in Cairo last week, he was asked what has become of the US-Egypt alliance.
The state of the US-Egypt has become an issue because of the observable indifference of President Morsi to the safety of the US Embassy and Americans in Egypt. In fact, there were reports that it was the Muslim Brotherhood (though not Mr. Morsi himself) who sicced the mobs on the American Embassy. No wonder why the Egyptian military and police at first did not lift a finger to halt the mob. The Cairo police only did what they should have done to protect the Embassy and the people after American Republican senators voiced their anger, called for the suspension of US aid to Egypt ($1.6 billion a year) and disapproval of an urgent $1 billion debt relief package needed right to keep Morsi’s government from declaring bankruptcy.
Dishonesty about Libyan tragedy
Loyal to President Obama’s policy toward the Muslim world, the US Embassy in Egypt reacting to the anger of the mob issued a statement apologizing for American insensitivity to Muslims—as if the US government had anything to do with the production of the film that was reputed to be insulting to the Prophet Mohamed but which no one had actually seen. Later, in a move that angered Americans who want their country to stand tall, proud and menacing to enemies but obviously advances President Obama’s real agenda, the President and Sec. Clinton solemnly disavowed any US government hand in the production of the anti-Muslim film. The disavowal was made a paid TV commercial that started appearing on Friday in Pakistan TV (possibly enriching the Islamic militant group that runs the TV network) and will presumably come out in Arab countries this week.
Worse than the claim that the anti-US demonstrations were caused by nothing but outrage against the offensive film—and not radical Islamic militants’ deliberate action to commemorate 911—was the dishonesty of the Obama administration, and the complicity of the mainstream media in this dishonesty, about the tragic events in Libya. Unfortunately, Filipino radio-TV anchors and talking heads and some columnists, whose knowledge of US and World news is limited to liberal mainstream US media, echoed the Americans.
The Obama administration stoutly maintained that it had no knowledge or evidence of any terrorist group being behind the raid and burning of the US Consulate in Benghazi and the killing (and torture of Ambassador Christopher Stevens). The White House spokesman and Ambassador to the UN Susan Rice maintained this lie over and over again (after she made a statement at the UN) on US TV networks.
They knew the truth. And yet barefacedly lied. For US intelligence had warned about a 9/11 strike by Radical Islamists and jihadists linked to al-Qaeda. And the day after the tragedy in Benghazi, the President of Libya himself, Mohamed al-Magariaf, was speaking of terrorists having done the “pre-planned attack and the murder.” Videos of the raid showed characters who are known to US and Western anti-terrorist experts to be radical Islamists linked to bin Laden. Yet, the White House and the American UN ambassador continued to maintain the fiction absolving terrorists and radical Islamists, words that it is interesting to note President Obama does not use.
Finally on Friday, after a White House official—Matthew Olsen, director of the National Counterterrorism Center—declared that the Benghazi outrage was the doing of al-Qaeda linked terrorists, the White House spokesman rectified his and his bosses’ previous claims,
Why the reluctance to confront terrorists?
What is behind President Obamas’ pusillanimity in confronting terrorists and Radical Islamists?
What is this policy that Republicans and other advocates of American world leadership call Mr. Obama’s weakness and incompetence?
It is neither weakness or incompetence. It is in fact wiliness, competence and perseverance.
For Mr. Obama’s goal is to shrink American power and resign as the leader of the world. His goal is to make America only one of the many powers that make up the multi-polar New World.
This is the New World dreamed of by a variety of Leftists—from actual Marxists to Social Democrats, Christian Democrats and the power-driven officials of the Communist-Party ruled People’s Republic of China.
It is also what in their hearts America’s allies in Europe—and NATO—want.
In President Obama’s own autobiography, in articles written by old friends and bosom comrades, in televised testimonies of his former teachers and spiritual-cum-political advisers, one learns that he had become a committed Marxist, held a socialist world view and until now pushes the Leftwing agenda. It is one hostile to the Great-Power America of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Harry Truman, Ike Eisenhower, and all the US Presidents (except maybe Jimmy Carter), whether Republican or Democrat, until the Bushes.
When President Obama spoke in 2009 to give his first major foreign policy address in Cairo, he apologized for the USA of the Bushes, Clinton and Reagan. He promised a new beginning in America’s relationship with the Muslims of our world.
And when, forced to face reality by his military and intelligence advisers, he ordered the special forces raid in Pakistan to terminate Osama bin Laden—and succeeded—he thought Radical Islamist terrorism had been vanquished. When he ordered a no fly zone to ensure the defeat of Muammar Qaddafi he thought, he had become the darling of the Libyans—all Libyans. And when he behaved with deference toward Mohamed Morsi, the new President of Egypt, he thought Egypt would still continue being America’s ally—although that faith was shaken last week.
He has also been deferential to Iran’s President Ahmadinejad, who keeps insisting that it is Iran’s goal to see to the obliteration of Israel.
He has also decided to turn his back on the Prime Minister of Israel, Bejamin Netanyahu, who has been asking him for a meeting.
Maybe, what Mr. Obama is doing will prevent the Clash of Civilizations.
One can only pray that the prevention of the clash will not mean the peace of being sent to the other world by Islam’s Jihadists who will do so with the certainty that all other human beings who are not Muslims are sinners who deserve to die.
This post appeared on the front page as a direct link to the original article.
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