No One Laments His Departure!
On his way out of the White House, George Bush, who is not the U.S. president any more, did not even try to leave one good impact that Arabs can remember. During his last meeting the last week to say goodbye to the American press representatives in the White House, Bush commented on Israel’s massacres in Gaza, that Israel has the right to defend itself and that Hamas must stop their attacks! To this impudent extent, Bush reiterates his lies and his unfair support of Israel.
No one laments Bush’s departure when he leaves the White House today after eight years which were the worst in American history, thereby leaving an onerous heritage to President Barack Obama. Those eight years changed the democratic American face to an ugly racial one. During his reign, personal liberties, human rights and laws were violated. Moreover, torture found a support in the Bush administration, considering Muslim detainees in Guantanamo and in the secret prisons that the C.I.A. set up in European countries.
Eight years ago, the world received an American president who lies as he breathes. Furthermore, he is not ashamed to use his lies in order to justify his invasion and occupation of Iraq, to kill a million Iraqis, destroy the country infrastructure and plunder its petroleum wealth. In addition, the numbers of terrorists and extremists have multiplied in Pakistan and Afghanistan during his war on terrorism. Bin Laden is still free and Taliban militia abuse the two countries’ territories to the extent that they surrendered to demands for closing four hundred girls’ schools in Sewat Valley in Pakistan the last week!
With respect to the Middle East, Bush did not keep his promise to Arabs to raise the Palestinian country and he continued his partiality in favor of Israel and his conspiracies, which led to the severance of the Palestinian body’s parts represented in Fatah and Hamas. He continued his hypocrisy even in the last day of his presidency when he justified Israel’s attack on Gaza; the pictures of hundreds of killed and hungry children did not even trouble his conscience.
Therefore, the Arabic Bar Association together with the bar associations all over the world are required to sue Bush’s gang – Cheney and Rumsfeld – for committing war crimes and letting millions of casualties and wounded fall as a result of arbitrary American policy.
Finally, in order for the U.S. to return to the state it was in prior to Bush’s leadership, President Barack Obama is required to confirm his respect for the law and its credibility. Moreover, he should quickly prosecute this gang together with everyone who participated in those crimes, which were committed against humanity.
obama is a member of the democratic party.
they are spineless just look at their past history under bush.
dont expect any justice from the american courts brought on by the democrats.
europe does not want to get involved in putting bush or cheney up for war crimes because they want to sell us their stuff. ie it is about money.
in a republic the politicans are a reflection of the voters.
best kept secret in america.
america is a failed society due to greed and arrogance.
but then what society based on wealth generation does not fail due to greed and arrogance.
the christian right got bush into office and look how that worked out.
hope will not overcome greed and arrogance but it will make people feel better for a while.
long enough to get elected.
americans must do what their founding father (jefferson) recomended and clean out wash dc and start over.
it will be decades before they are willing to do that. decades of corp and media fascism.
america is living on borrowed time and money and has been living on borrowed money for several decades due to reagan economic policies.