Biden’s Crazy Steps

All available indications, although not those requiring research, confirm that the Joe Biden administration is continuing the policies of Donald Trump, adopting the same course of action and adhering to the overall direction of American policy, with only slight deviations from its predecessors. The administrations differ in the same ways they always have — in their pattern of lying, the amount of fabrication and commotion and the way it agitates and bullies — while the goals remain singular and unchanged.

This is not a premature or hasty judgment about what has been said so far about Biden and his cohorts in the new administration. Rather, his administration’s statements, decisions and practice clearly indicate that nothing has changed except for the names and titles at the State Department, the Pentagon, the intelligence agencies and the White House. The evidence confirms that the only change that has been made in Washington is in the direction of further madness, and that has been confirmed in all cases and on all fronts.

Biden’s crazy steps in all directions are, in fact, just that. Any attempt to present them differently would be highly misleading, since these steps do not involve anything new. It is not because they are negative and combative or seek confrontation and conflict in the language of Zionist-Atlantic mobilization, but because these steps are a virulent and homogeneous mixture of all of the above.

The relationship with Russia and the sanctions that have been imposed there directly reflect one aspect of American madness, which is only further supported by the statement that the conflict with China is a priority. All the while, the United States is conducting maximum economic terrorism against Syria, Iran and resistance forces. The United States is under the illusion that it will achieve different results in Syria by supporting terrorism and threatening direct attacks. Meanwhile in Iran, the U.S. is exerting maximum pressure as it searches for a location for talks, be it Geneva or Astana, in a dream-like quest for a new version of the Iranian nuclear agreement!

It would be reasonable to try to tell the United States — the Biden administration — that nothing it is planning and eager to pursue will be achieved in Syria, or with Iran, Russia and China. However, it is not feasible for many reasons, the foremost being that Washington does not listen to the voice of reason and is not rational. But such realizations and conclusions are contrary to the picture drawn by those running the deep state.

Under these circumstances, the world will be on a new schedule to keep up with a new series of American delusions, arrogance, hypocrisy and vanity. If sanctions and economic terrorism are the first episode, then attempts to rally and co-opt the West and mobilize NATO will be the main plot line of the series, and will trigger a threat to global security and stability. This is only an introduction to something which might be more dangerous, since important indications have emerged regarding unacceptable interference in the internal affairs of the permanent members of the U.N. Security Council!

Biden’s steps are truly crazy because they go even further, and are bolder, than the steps taken by the Trump administration. This includes expanding sanctions against Moscow and, in the interim, a likely effort to bolster Russian opposition. Furthermore, it is viciously intervening in China under the pretense of protecting human rights, as well as in Iran in the run-up to its presidential election. At the same time, with its report on the murder of Jamal Khashoggi, the Biden administration has blackmailed the deadly country of Saudi Arabia with a much harsher response than Trump’s!

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