The U.N., Obama and Iran

Some time has passed since the U.N. ceased to be the moral beacon for the international community. This coming week, when a review conference of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, a 1968 agreement that sought to limit the number of nuclear weapons in the world, opens, a starring role will be given to the one who represents the greatest threat to the treaty, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

The U.N. has passed three resolutions condemning Iran for its nuclear program. Its agency in Vienna does not cease to produce reports that criticize the ayatollah regime as much for its failure to cooperate as for its systematic deceptions when it comes to revealing information. And even so, Ahmadinejad will toy with an important document in a forum where he should not speak.

Another act of cynicism comes to us from Obama. He sells the press on his discontent with an Iran that, time and time again, rejects his extended hand for dialogue. Meanwhile, he is dedicated to pressuring his congressmen on the sly so that those businesses that negotiate with Iran, but that belong to what the White House calls “cooperating countries,” are excluded from sanctions. In other words, Russia and China. Likewise, Obama leads the push for a revision to avoid the possibility of the new condemnatory resolution to be passed shortly by the Security Council.

Yes, of course, Ahmadinejad has exchanged a nice gesture with the secretary general of the U.N. in that Iran no longer aspires to chair the human rights committee. It is satisfied with being in the commission regarding women’s rights. And of course, it has plenty of experience in suppressing them.

If the U.N. and the White House wanted it, Ahmadinejad would not be able to leave his country, and the regime of the ayatollahs would be closer to its end. Some day, they will have to explain why they do not want this.

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