Will America Stage a Coup?

The question everyone has on his or her mind but is afraid to ask is: “Will America mischievously stage a coup in Turkey?” In other words, are they formulating a “Turkey’s-boys-did-it” plan?

You see, they undermine us. That’s because they are powerful.

For those who believe Turkey’s brave army never gets permission to stage a coup, that it never asks anyone to stage one, and that the Ataturkist movement stages its coup by itself, please stop reading at this point. I’d be happier if you just completely stay away from me.

I am continuing to write for intelligent people.

We can ask the same question in simple terms, as well: “Did America release Tayyip’s hold?”

Turkey is getting close with Iran, quarreling with Israel, reaching agreements with Brazil, creating power groups in the region, and working for its own interests. Will Obama put a stop to this?

Who will America find to stage a coup? The Turkish military washed its hands of it. It is the same with the Ergenekon Organization, which still exists, although in a defense position and fighting for its life.

The powers who want to stage a coup in Turkey have to be blindfolded and total pro-Americans — just like those of 1960 and 1980 — who will forget Palestine in seconds, cause remorse and destroy all the bridges which were built between Turkey and Iran. Additionally, they won’t forget to cover it all up with an Ataturkist guise just to satisfy the bumpkin Ataturkists.

But “pro-coups” in Turkey are at odds with one another. Their various plans include leaving NATO, allying with Russia, considering India and China as allies and further not “being ashamed of looking for a way to ally with Iran and follow Sharia rules, again with an Ataturkist guise.”

Will this power be supported by the White House? Of course it will not. The White House itself is the one who sold out the “Turkish Gladio” — the dog that was used for attacking others and was rejected when it tried to bite its owner’s hand. It has been crying madly since that day.

There may be another way to achieve American goals: to weaken the government, or more precisely, to bring the government into line with U.S. policies via a set of actions.

The Mossad can be used as a sub-supplier. So many different “variations” can be included in the actions, ranging from PKK attacks to political murders.

Yet more “porno tapes “ can be released to the market! To eliminate the people who are useless to the U.S. now – if it is possible to make the infamy that will be staged appear to be “done by the followers of Sharia” – would be so pleasing.

But Erdoğan and his crew are not the kind of men who can be brought into line very easily. These guys are tough, and they are daring. They can be overwhelmed, but they won’t give up.

Elections remain a choice for staging a coup, but the election is not in the bag either, because they are not able to create a real alternative power. The game of creating leaders out of some men who would always be low-ranking otherwise is favored by press volunteers, but it cannot be predicted how well the people at the ballot box can be fooled.

Well, how will America overthrow Erdoğan? Will they try through a few hateful articles written by some foolish journalists or fake polls?

If you win the election and create a weak CHP-MHP coalition, you can easily get close with Israel again and please America. Of course, don’t forget that people who are more violent toward Israel would attend this coalition, as well! How well will the coalition deal with this contradiction? Who will decide foreign policy, and what kind of “interregnum” will Turkey be drifted into?

What if you can’t win? What will you do?

The government has hard work to do, but your work is even harder.

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