America’s Shame

Obama can’t win the battle to close Guantanamo by himself. The majority attitude in the United States is hypocritical.

It’s a disgrace to America. The handling of terrorist suspects in Guantanamo is a great injustice on so many levels, but America isn’t interested in righting the wrongs. Only the court system appears to have the courage to do so, and that causes political discomfort. That, too, is a disgrace on President Obama’s part since closing Guantanamo was a major plank in his election platform and one that he has been unable to fulfill. One could accuse him of not fighting hard enough for it, but the biggest cowards sit on Capitol Hill. The Democrats had a congressional majority for two years and failed to use it to help the president achieve his goal; they instead used their majority to block him.

Their anxiety over Republican terrorist fear-mongering tactics, something used by ex-President George W. Bush to win an election, was greater than their will to do what was right. Obama couldn’t win the battle by himself, and the majority opinion in America is hypocritical. While America urges other countries to accept these prisoners, it refuses to allow them to enter the United States. A great nation is acting really small.

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