A Prejudicial American Attitude!

As a matter of fact, America insists upon rejecting Palestine’s endeavors to obtain U.N. membership as an independent country inside the borders of 1967 next September. It calls on Palestinians to get back to direct negotiations with Israel, which blocked all possible peace efforts. Also, Washington sent insinuations and messages about a possible veto, and the American Congress may choose to suspend aid to Palestinians in case they intend on obtaining membership. Unfortunately, this attitude of America stirs astonishment and raises lots of inquiries, not only about the future of the peace process if the world’s superpower pushes Palestine away from international legitimacy, but also about American credibility and whether this attitude is compatible with American interests in the region.

It goes without saying that the Palestinian side is not very much keen on imposing a new special legitimacy. It only hopes for bringing about international legitimacy of its cause, the same legitimacy America always calls for in many spots around the world. In addition, Palestinians did not even refuse to negotiate with Israeli side. And since the Oslo Accords of 1993, Palestinians have entered into negotiations with Israel, which proved to not be serious in attempting to make peace. On the contrary, Israel only wishes to consolidate its occupation, expand settlements, increase the Palestinian people’s suffering and blow up all peace efforts.

So, all Israel did is change peace negotiations into a mere absurdity. It deluded the world by using these negotiations to amplify its settlement activities, exclude and judaize occupied Jerusalem and maintain the unjust siege imposed on the Gaza Strip. Also, Israel tries to decrease the movement of persons and goods into the West Bank and double the suffering of Palestinians along military barriers. These practices are adopted by Israel at a time when the international community and regional powers of peace sit on their hands, without guaranteeing the success of negotiations nor bringing about vital outcomes.

Indeed, what does peace mean here if it is miles away from international legitimacy? Was not Israel itself founded with U.N. resolution 181 as its claim for legitimacy? Then why would America reject this legitimacy if it deals with just, permanent and comprehensive peace?

Another question that arises here relates to a potential veto and sanctions as tools for punishing those that abide by international legitimacy. Is this the just international system that the West takes pride in fixing its foundations? Why would the world accept the suffering of a whole people under the yoke of wills and desires of the brute Israeli occupation force, while pushing it to submit to the occupier’s conditions and dedications?

Such an attitude that America adopts damnifies not only its credibility as the world’s superpower that is supposed to defend international legitimacy and resolutions, but also its credibility and role in the peace process. This attitude is denied by every Palestinian, Arab, Muslim and believer in the principles of freedom and justice, starting from the fact that peace is based on applying resolutions of international legitimacy and peoples’ right to self-determination.

Finally, in his speech in Cairo, President Barack Obama set clear and general outlines, stressing Washington’s commitment towards peace and mutual relationships of respect with the Arab and Muslim worlds. Certainly he realizes that Israeli attempts to impose its settlement on Palestinians degrades Palestine’s rights, has nothing to do with international legitimacy and harms the U.S., its credibility and its interests in the region. We hope that America takes a just attitude towards the Palestinian people regarding its status as an independent country, built on its national land, occupied since 1967. America also has to bless Palestine’s endeavors to obtain U.N. membership on that basis. This does not actually contradict with peace nor the principles of justice and freedom. Indeed, this serves international legitimacy, security, stability and peace, while putting an end to the suffering of a whole people, whom Israel has deprived of its simplest rights since six decades ago!

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