There is nothing better to raise the adrenaline level of this country (recent news has been really boring) than the address given by Netanyahu in the U.S. Congress. There was a huge expectancy surrounding this speech since such a man usually announces disaster.
At the peak of his speech, Netanyahu warned that the Geneva agreement will spark an arms race in the Middle East, and both Israel and world peace will be threatened by it. As a result, a world war could break out. None of our politicians could ever do what he did. And the fact is that Israel is more than a country. By listening to Netanyahu, one wonders who rules the world: the Jewish lobby or the elected president of the most powerful country in the world. The impression was that Obama is gullible and does not know Israel’s enemies. He forgets that, according to Netanyahu, the Iranian regime destabilizes the region, exports terrorism, and wants to destroy Israel and, by extension, the USA. Obama is so naive that he thinks that Iran fights against the Islamic State as an ally of the West, but the truth is that Iran does it only to become the only power in the Arab world. As the prime minister of Israel put it, “the enemy of my enemy is my enemy,” when it comes to Iran and the Islamic State group. The Republican members of Congress enthusiastically applauded that twisting of the ancient proverb.
Netanyahu expressed his complete opposition to these agreements because he is convinced of the fact that Iran will end up using enriched uranium to develop nuclear weapons by saying “no deal is better than a bad deal.” He is for hardening sanctions against Iran in order to weaken its regime economically and knock it down. I am not saying that Israel does not want peace, nor am I going to debate whether Israel has nuclear bombs. (In 2009, Israel neither adopted United Nations Security Council Resolution 1887 nor allowed the International Atomic Energy Agency to make inspections. See “Nuclear War and Environmental Catastrophe,” by Noam Chomsky and Laray Polk). In any case, what does Israel want nuclear weapons for? Its best ally, the USA, already has lots of them, with which Israel could be provided. These threatening, apocalyptic weapons of mass destruction were behind Netanyahu’s words: “Even if we stand alone, we’ll stand … we can defend ourselves.” And he continued: “But I know that Israel does not stand alone. I know that America stands with Israel.” As he put it, “it is the history of the human spirit.” After giving such an example of biblical ethnocentrism, Netanyahu will not need to make such an effort to keep mentioning Iran in his election campaign in order to be re-elected.
As a citizen of the United States , after watching this meddling psychopath Netanyahu’s speech before a groveling U.S. Congress, I now have a deeper appreciation of this arrogant and ruthless ” Jewish Lobby “. I prefer to call it the ” Zionist Lobby “. Too many left wing Jews have abandoned their socialist ideals in order to worship an idol, the Zionist state of Israel. To be sure, the American Socialist Workers Party has gone madly pro-Zionist. They see anti-Zionism as just a cover for anti- Semitism.
The average working class ” blue collar worker ” in America is no unquestioning ” friend of Israel “. He asks : ” If a JEWISH state can have nuclear weapons, why not an equally zealous Islamic state ?
And , of course, he more easily identifies with the poor oppressed Palestinians than with rich and mostly SAFE Jews in Israel.
( http://radicalrons.blogspot.com/ )