Porno King LarryFlynt Nails Sarah Palin

Always looking forward to performing one of his juicy tricks, 66-year old Larry Flynt is exploiting the Sarah Palin hype. The famous Hustler editor recently published a classified ad in order to find a female lookalike for the Republican VP candidate.

His goal? To direct an X-rated movie, which, according to a few specialized sites, will depict a fake Alaska governor confronting Russians, Creation-skeptical scientists, Hillary Clinton and Condy [Rice].

Though the project has wrapped up production, that project still doesn’t have an official release date but should get around before November 4th under the title, “Nailin’ Palin”.

Larry Flynt is happy about such a provocation. In late June, he offered a million dollars to whoever would give him proof about a sex scandal in which the involvement of some government member was implied. He would then publish the story in his magazine. As he failed to achieve that goal, this reckless Bush opponent has chosen to attack his wannabe successor.

Should he win, would Barack Obama have to thank the “porn king”?

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