Those Diamond Shoes!

Edited by Christie Chu

For starters, Iraqi journalist Muntadhar al-Zaidi rightly condemned the policies the worst American president inflicted on Iraq and many other countries by throwing his shoes at George W.Bush. Evidently, the whole world could not help talking about Bush’s insult. The American newspapers openly commented on the event and even the Washington Post says it was the goodbye kiss he deserved!

Al-Zaidi’s shoes, now the talk of the world, are also known as the diamond shoes. They were aimed at Bush but they missed him and instead hit the “Stars and Stripes” behind him, insulting and disrespecting the American national flag.

Frankly speaking, no one is ignorant of the fact that this attitude is a common response to this president’s foolish and frivolous policies that have allowed him to lie to the world and invade an Arab state. This demonstration came as he was saying farewell to the Iraqis before leaving the White House.

Nevertheless, the international media caught millions on film, happy and gloating, both inside and outside Iraq. The reverberations of the event were felt throughout the four corners of the globe. The New York Times said that the farewell journey of President George Bush will only be remembered by the thrown shoes, and others added that it refutes the notion that the American presence in Iraq will make the region safer.

The world has not forgotten when the statue of Saddam Hussein was showered with shoes as the Americans entered Baghdad, and it will also remember the moment when shoes were thrown at Bush and how he dodged them. This scandal, according to many, may convince the new American administration to keep its vows of rapid withdrawal from Iraq. Now, the dignity of a nation that has been profaned by an invader might be restored.

New measures will be taken with media anchors covering press conferences held by any American president or foreign official in Iraq. The Iraqi security forces can prohibit these conferences completely or make sure journalists wear “unthrowable” slippers.

In conclusion, this event reflects the humiliation, contempt, and hate for a president who deserved to be bidden farewell with shoes!

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