Obama and Hope in the Making of a Different America

It was not expected that President Obama would go into detail on his foreign policy in his inaugural address, so it was sufficient to illuminate the outlines of the coming phase for his American and international policies. He emphasized the traditional values inherited from America’s Founding Fathers who worked together for freedom and justice, that leading the world was not accomplished with military might, and that it was pragmatism and not rigid ideologies that would create security for America or any small village in the middle of Africa!

The Middle East?!

President Obama emphasized leaving the governing of Iraq to its own people, in a responsible manner.

He also confirmed respect for religion, race and color, calling attention to the religion of Islam specifically.

And he emphasized peace in Afghanistan.

Obama used the word terrorism only once and linked it with extremism, and he was, for the first time, prudent in his assurances to battle and triumph over them.

He alluded to Iran, saying America would not agree to add nuclear weapons to the world’s numerous and dangerous problems!

The subject of the president’s color was ever present in the festivities, as he attended yesterday afternoon 11 balls that were furnished in a beautiful and composed way. The most important black female vocalist sang a song with words from Martin Luther King’s speech, “I have a dream!” The day before had marked the assassination of this leader of the American struggle to eliminate racism, and so that song was replayed at every ball. Obama took the presidential oath on the book used to swear in Abraham Lincoln, who freed the slaves and led the Union in opposition to the agricultural south who refused to free them. And the president’s wife, Michelle, wore a gown to the festivities that only cost $35, as a gesture to remind Americans that their eyes are on the economic crisis.

The Motto: Restoring America, Reshaping it!!

It’s a big motto and cause for hope. And it’s up to us in Jordan and the Arab world to comprehend the heart of this important phase of change. With or without Obama, nothing will come to us or our problems if we are not worthy of it. For the hope is an American hope, first and foremost, and as for the Arab hope, the Arabs must make it. Lofty talk in the nation has failed to find lofty thinking: if they will not be free in a free nation, then the freedoms of nations disgrace them!

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