Backward Somersault

Yes, we can! With that war cry, Barack Obama successfully laid siege to the White House. Gradually, however, it’s becoming apparent that there are some things we can’t; for example, in the minefield called the war on terror that was laid down by his predecessor. There’s no doubt Obama started out to change things. And there’s also no question that Obama has to deal with the poisoned inheritance he got from Bush. Still, it’s also certain that his announced radical departure from Bush’s disastrous policies won him the White House and world approval. Meanwhile, however, his motto seems to have morphed into “two steps forward, one step back.” Even some of his supporters already see about-faces following his about-faces.

First, ignoring all protests from human rights organizations, Obama reversed his previous decision to release more photos of mistreated prisoners in Afghanistan and Iraq. Yesterday, he announced the reinstatement of controversial trials by military tribunal of terrorist suspects in Guantanamo – this, after he attacked them as serious errors during the campaign and moved to suspend them immediately after he took office. Even if they are modified to give the accused more rights, the accusation of the largest human rights organization in the USA remains: they’re designed to result in convictions, not in fair trials. These special tribunals violate human rights and contradict the U.S. Constitution. They also discredit President Obama.

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1 Comment

  1. obama wants to do social changes like universal health care.

    the torture stuff will derail his plans.

    we americans are imperialists and until we come to grips with that reality problems like torture and wars for profits will continue.

    capitalism is self destructing in america and few very few americans understand this.

    when communism failed americans cheered not realizing their cherished capitalism would fail within two decades.

    it would have failed sooner but japan and china and the oil rich mid east kept our out of control spending and life style afloat to buy their products.

    few americans will understand my words. very few.

    the middle class in america lined up for three decades to vote for free trade wide open capitalistic reagan economics now they pay the price for their ignorance.

    it is sad to watch the iraqis and the afghans also pay a price for our capitalism that has lead to imperialism and our wars for profits for the few.

    the vietnamese paid a heavy price for our imperialism over one million killed and untold others wounded.

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