
So-called light and ultra light cigarettes are in fact no lighter than you or I. According to the United States Court of Appeals, the tobacco industry has knowingly been deceiving smokers by labeling cigarettes “light” when, in reality, they are no less harmful than any other kind. The manufacturers now risk prosecution at the hands, or rather the lungs, of countless sufferers of smoking-related illnesses. They know that people are becoming litigious, and that their lights could soon be feeling the heavy hand of justice. They will doubtless be taking an appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court.

Men and women used to smoke light-heartedly, believing that their “mild” cigarettes contained little tar, nicotine or carbon monoxide. We might think they should have taken the risks less lightly, but that’s not really the point – the bottom line is that this is a case of false advertising, pure and simple. Thank goodness, a cigarette manufacturer was recently prevented from putting the word “bio” on its packaging. After decades of lies, smokers no longer believe anyone. For some time now, cigarette packs have borne the words, “smoking kills”. Survivors are able to take legal action against the government.

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