And If Warren Buffett Bought North Korea?

Forbes Magazine compared the wealth of some of its VIPs among the top 400 fortunes worldwide with the economies of several countries.

Instead of treating oneself to chateaux in France, paradisaical Caribbean islets or deluxe 007-style yachts, the most daring billionaires on the planet could set about buying countries. And, if possible, countries enmeshed in filthy destitution, as a way of rendering service to humanity.

Forbes Magazine thus amused itself by comparing the wealth of some of its VIPs with the 400 top fortunes worldwide with the economies of several countries. The richest American, Bill Gates, with his US$50 billion, could browse the GDPs of 140 countries on the planet. Even the “small budgets” of those like Gary Magness, who made a fortune on water in Colorado and have US$990 million, could buy Vanuatu for themselves. The founder of eBay, Pierre Omidyar, with his fortune of US$5.5 billion, could control the Somali market. And, in spite of losing some $10 billion in the latest worldwide economic storm, Warren Buffett would still have enough to purchase North Korea, whose economy is worth no more than $40 billion. And then present it to Barack Obama?

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