Clinton’s Lies

Edited by Jessica Boesl

The leader of the Islamic Republic, Ali Khamenei, has accused the American Secretary of State Hillary Clinton of spreading “lies” about Iran during her tour of the Gulf. Khamenei confirmed that “America, which has transformed the Gulf into a weapons depot in order to steal money from the region’s nations, has again sent its agent, who has become known as a traveling salesmen to the Gulf, to spread illegitimate lies about Iran. But no one believes these lies because everyone understands that America is the true nation of war and that the American administration thinks of nothing but its own interests. With this in mind, it is trying to violate the rights of the region’s peoples.”

I will not be carried away by the words of the Iranian Republic’s leader that Mrs. Clinton is “lying,” and I personally think that she is just prettying up her message. Is it not difficult to discuss or justify Washington’s policy in the region without applying a good deal of makeup to its face and choosing words that do not shock the citizens of Arabia and the Gulf? For example, despite the American administration’s continued assertion that the building of new Israeli settlements in occupied Palestinian territory lacks legality, a rather positive stance credited to Barack Obama’s government, this stance remains theoretical. We haven’t seen any enactment of it in the real world, as there is no pressure nor consequences for Israel; just total loyalty to all of its desires and complete synergy with all of its policies on the part of America.

If everything aforementioned could possibly be considered an honest stance for Washington, then we can’t say with much gusto that Clinton is being 100 percent truthful while everyone else is lying. Practical reality supports what the leader of the Islamic Republic has asserted. Washington has indeed lied before; for example, when it was marketing the threat that Iraq presented to the security of the Gulf or about global security when it accused the former Iraqi government of possessing weapons of mass destruction.

America succeeded in establishing what it called the International Coalition, which led the operation to rid the world of Saddam Hussein in order for Iraq to be transformed into a nation ruled by chaos and destruction, and for its resources to be distributed amongst its “tribes.” In all practicality, the end goal was transforming Iraq into a “Banana Republic” in the Gulf.

Yes, we differ with Iran with regard to its nuclear policy on the premise that it poses a threat to the security of the Gulf. If we allow Tehran to peacefully use nuclear power, then it is difficult for us to leave Iran be, given its potential to then control our capabilities even without a full understanding between the nations in the Gulf region about the dimensions of Iran’s nuclear armament and the ambitions of its nuclear program. But we also don’t agree with Washington’s claim that the Iranian threat has priority, for if Iran was truly a potential threat, then Israel, too, presents a clear and present danger, which the Arab nations have been suffering from for more than 60 years. If there is a possibility that Iran is striving to become a nuclear power in the region, just keep in mind that Israel has more than 200 nuclear warheads. For this reason, the leadership in the Gulf, not to mention the people of the Gulf, are highly suspicious of the true purpose of Secretary of State Clinton’s visit. Since we weren’t lying to her, can we really believe her message even if it has been prettied up?!

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