American Police Force Bills Crazy Pastor for Security?

A while ago, American Pastor Terry Jones initiated a plan to burn the Quran. This led to protests by Muslims worldwide, and greatly threatened the pastor’s personal safety.

In view of this, local police provided a high-level protection plan for the pastor.

On the eve of Sept. 11, Pastor Jones terminated his plan following the intervention of President Obama and associated people. Although the act of burning scriptures has occurred in many places in the United States, the place where Pastor Jones resides has already been calmed.

Jones will definitely not be sending a thank you card to the local police, nor will he be presenting a plaque, because from the public’s perspective, it is taken for granted that the American police force should protect Jones’ safety. After all, the American police force is supported by taxpayers!

Surprisingly, after the incident passed, Jones received an $180,000 bill from the local police.

According to the media, the Gainesville Police Department said that it spent more than $100,000 while the Alachua County Sheriff’s Office spent an estimated $80,000 to prevent any demonstrations from happening. However, Pastor Jones claimed that the church was not aware that they will be billed for security, and the police have been accused of overreacting.

Jones was undeniably stunned by the $180,000 bill. According to him, he had not specifically requested security from the police, and he did not receive any threats during the time he received protection.

So, should the American police force bill Pastor Jones for security?

This is indeed ridiculous at first sight. The American police force is supported by taxpayers and should provide security services for citizens, so how can policemen act like businessmen and claim costs for security? How is this any different from a firm? The American police force belongs to the public administration department, so how can it be corporatized?

But when we think about this issue more carefully, we realize that the American police force has its own reasons for doing so.

Since American policemen receive high wages and many benefits, the United States is stricter with its expenditure on the police force, resulting in the restricted number of policemen available. If the American police force does not charge for providing services to the public, it may not be able to support itself financially, and may resort to abusing its power.

This results in the phenomenon that the police servicing a rich area is stronger, making that area safer; while the police servicing a poorer area is weaker, making that area less safe. The fact that the American police force bills its citizens for security shows that any public service has its costs.

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