The Tea Party: Jon Stewart Counterattacks

Gathering Friday in Washington for the 2010 Values Voter Summit, conservative leaders were able to test their popularity with tea party activists. They focused on the same themes: Tax reductions, fiscal discipline, maintaining the DADT law (“don’t ask, don’t tell”) in the military, repeal of health reform, opposition to gay marriage, the fight against abortion…

In the game of applause, Minnesota representative Michele Bachmann and Indiana representative Mike Pence were a step ahead of Mitt Romney, Mike Huckabee and others. Michele Bachmann, who has created a tea party group in Congress, attempted a subtle play on words: “These high and mighty types, part of the ruling class here in Washington, D.C. — they live at wine and cheese parties. As for me, I prefer tea parties, just so you know.”

The prize for longest standing ovation went to Mike Pence, when he reminded everyone that “America supports Israel” in the Middle East conflict.

The new face of the tea party, Christine O’Donnell, who recently won the primaries in Delaware, failed to mention the most notable absentee: Sarah Palin.

Clinging to her text, she seemed a little overwhelmed by her first appearance on the national scene. However, the name of the ex-governor of Alaska was on everyone’s lips.

“She is the one who has the best chance against Obama,” said Mike, a young activist in the American Principles Project, a conservative association. “I liked the speakers today, but I will vote for Palin in 2012,” said Tracie.

Sarah Palin was in Iowa for the traditional fundraising dinner for the Republican Party in memory of Ronald Reagan. She did not confirm that she plans to run for the presidency but she could not stop herself from hinting at it.

She has come out as captain of the right-wing team for the midterm elections. If the establishment listens to her, all they would have to do is send Jim DeMint to the South, Mitt Romney to the West, put George W. Bush on fundraising, and send journalists Kristol and Krauthammer to the East: “I’d say, ‘DeMint, you’re awesome, we need you down South. Mitt, go West. GW, we need you to raise funds. Kristol, Krauthammer — you gotta go East.”

In the Absence of the Left, Comedians Counter Attack

Because the left (and we are not talking about the White House) cannot recapture the country’s attention, and is paralyzed before the rise of Phrygian caps (even if Democrats are planning a rally on Oct. 2), two comedians have begun to awaken the silent majority. Jon Stewart, on The Daily Show, launched the idea of a large rally on the National Mall on Oct. 30, in order to restore “common sense” — “Restore sanity.”

Stewart’s friend Stephen Colbert, who parodies the right, has announced a rally in defense of fear — “Keep fear alive.”

For his part, Bill Maher has decided to take Christine O’Donnell hostage. Because she will not appear on his show, every week he will release a video “undermining” the candidate.

This week’s clip was pretty funny (although it dates back to 1999). In the video, the Republican explains that she dabbled in witchcraft. One of her first dates ended with a midnight picnic on a satanic “altar” — “One of my first dates with a witch was on a satanic altar, and I didn’t know it. I mean, there’s little blood there and stuff like that. … We went to a movie and then had a midnight picnic on a satanic altar.”

Who knows why Christine has canceled her participation in Sunday political talk shows…

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