This is the most symbolic race of the midterms, one in which the Republicans, with Karl Rove in the lead, have heavily invested: Harry Reid, the Democratic leader of the Senate, against Sharron Angle, the Ma Dalton of the tea party (She is 20 years older than Sarah Palin and Christine O’Donnell, and doesn’t have quite the same style).
In the third quarter, Sharron Angle has collected a record $14 million! The Republican Party hopes to dampen spirits by striking down the Democratic Senate leader.
Last night, Sharron’s campaign headquarters were deserted. The candidate plans to spend the day “at her hotel working,” her staff said. She was also in Washington last week to “become prepared.” The ex-boxer Harry Reid is waiting in the ring tonight for their only debate of the campaign.
A survey of the Las Vegas Review Journal (which, indeed, has called on people to vote for her) put her in the lead by two points. She tried to “refocus” her message, but Harry Reid’s campaign leaflets include a list of “Sharron Angle’s dangerous ideas”:
— Idea 4: dismantle the Department of Education, Department of Energy and the Environmental Protection Agency.
— Eliminate Medicare and pensions (gradually)
— Leave the UN
— A ban on abortion even in the case of rape (that would interfere with “God’s plan”
In his ads, the Democrat features Republicans who explain the extent to which Sharron Angle has “wild ideas.”
A fraction of the Republican Party has preferred to support Harry Reid. Sharron Angle’s case foreshadows the split that is threatening the conservative party in some areas.
Sarah Palin is 14 years younger than Sharron Angle, while Christine O’Donnell is 20 years younger than Angle. Many people do not realize O’Donnell is 41, thinking she is much younger. And many don’t realize that Sarah Palin is 47.