Netanyahu Prays

Progress in the Middle East peace process remains undecided, but Netanyahu appears to have underestimated the Obama administration.

No one can say what direction the Middle East peace process will take, but it’s not going according to the wishes of Israel’s prime minister since the victory of his conservative friends in the U.S. congressional elections. His call for a credible military threat against Iran at the outset of his U.S. visit got a chilly reception. The U.S. secretary of defense dismissed that immediately.

That people had to be ready for anything from the Israeli government became apparent with its new settlement expansion plans for East Jerusalem that were made public while Netanyahu was already in the air heading to the United States. But Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was at least well-prepared. She conferred closely with the prime minister for more than seven hours — that in itself is an indication of how serious Washington is about a solution to the Middle East problem.

Netanyahu appears to have underestimated the Obama administration. The U.S. knows which direction it wants to take: to the conference table in order to hammer out a credible two-state solution. Netanyahu can’t hope to last much longer with delaying tactics.

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1 Comment

  1. Israel is playing the role of centre stage in the Middle East, which is long due for its transition into resurgence and thereafter integrated with socio economic glue. It needs the spark of one catchword and that is, “People are the sovereign rulers.” The Young Turks would put the roots of a viable and vibrant democracy played by the rules. Where do you suppose Israel might be in the big picture ruled by some 230 million Arabs? What America has done so far from Israel’s creation is pretty dirty deed in its blind support to the so-called Jewish state. American Administration needs knowing that Israel’s founding father played foul with the Jews. He simply god rid of God and replaced Him with the allegiance of a symbolic “Rock of Israel.” “God,” he said, “didn’t do enough for the Jews.” So this is what Netanyahu is doing what God couldn’t or wouldn’t do – blatant desecration of Jerusalem’s sanctity! America should beware that Israel is under a painfully severe threat from the heavens for the iniquity of the Zionist atheists and that America might be sucked in the fallout. Ask the Rabbis and they would echo this warning.

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